I like to amp up my rice with nutrition.
When I make rice (whether it’s something fancy like red rice, a lovely jasmine rice, or any rice), I make sure it’s made with homemade bone broth (instead of water!). The bone broth adds flavor and tons of nutrition.
You see… Kamea isn’t keen on sipping a mug of broth, so using it to make rice (and stews and soups), I get it into her diet.
Once the rice is cooked, I add grass-fed butter.
I add so much butter that at times it’s swimming in the butter. What can I say?
I like butter.
Besides… the healthy fats in butter help my body tolerate the carbs from the rice. And, the butter offers tooth, brain, skin, and body-building fat-soluble vitamins.
Most times, I also douse it with organic turmeric powder. (Don’t forget the black pepper which helps the bioavailability of the turmeric). I like to find ways to incorporate this anti-inflammatory herb into my diet, and rice is a no brainer.
Turmeric! I wrote a whole book on it!
Turmeric is a member of the ginger family,
It gives a complex, rich, woody aroma with floral, citrus, and ginger notes. <– I sound like I know what I’m talking about. Ha. I grabbed that smarty-pants bit from this fantastic read, Herbs & Spices. If you like cooking, buy this book. It’s beautiful and fun.
Well, I say “fun” but I also read cookbooks like they’re stories. I can’t help it… I get that from my parents.
By the way, I add turmeric to my coffee for a cup of Golden Coffee. It’s fucking great!
Back to turmeric and rice…
The next time you make rice, make it with delicious bone broth, add lots of grass-fed butter, and sprinkle on turmeric powder. You can also do the same for mashed potatoes — drizzle in some bone broth, and add a crap-load of grass-fed butter and remember to add turmeric powder!