Kamea, my daughter, ate:
- 1 pasture-raised egg
- 1 butter-heavy & low-sugar homemade almond cookie
- slice of grass-fed organic beef summer sausage
- organic strawberries
- organic Rishi hibiscus tea
- vitamin D3/K2 drops
- Ice Cream BulletProof Coffee Reishi Shake
I used Upgraded coffee and blended it with 3 capsules Dragon Herbs reishi. Then, I added 2 scoops homemade chocolate ice cream made with MCT-oil. (Read about my family’s coffee shakes.)
- Kamea: sardines and organic rice crackers (pictured above): learn how to love sardines here
- Me: Sardines. (Homemade) Oyster Soup left overs.
- Cherry BBQ Grass fed organic short ribs (recipe for my paleo BBQ sauce)
- Steamed broccoli topped with chive lemon grass-fed butter