I get asked a lot about what I eat. It seems kind of weird, but then again, I’m always curious about what others are eating, too. Maybe it’s a foodie thing. Or maybe it’s an obsessive thing. No matter the reason, I aim to please.
Here is my Hungry Woman’s Food Journal from Saturday. I say Hungry Woman because it just felt like one of those days.
Breakfast started off right.
I had a cup of black organic coffee with a bit of MCT oil drizzled in. The coffee and MCT oil turn my brain on so I can function.
From there I preheated the oven and planned a Hungry Woman breakfast of four pasture-raised eggs gently scrambled in grass-fed butter. I served these with a couple of Mochi puffs. I enjoyed this goodness with another cup of black coffee (sans MCT oil).
LUNCH was inspired by veggies (at least to begin).
I aimed to make a large green smoothie, with fat added in to ensure I’m getting all of those good nutrients. Fat helps the body assimilate certain ones and I want every one of them. No reason to suffer through greens for their nutrition if you’re not going to get all of the nutrition, eh? Add fat to make sure you get all you should and let’s be honest… fat makes everything taste better, including greens.
My plan was to make my smoothie with organic avocado for the aforementioned reason. Cutting into it, I realized it was one of those harder avocados although it should’ve been ripe. Drats. No biggie, except a waste of money. I grabbed my bottle of MCT oil and drizzled some in. I could’ve used raw almond butter or raw egg yolks, but the MCT oil was right there so I grabbed that.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I usually make green smoothies in my Nutribullet these days to create boundaries of the amount I make. But, I’m at mom’s for the weekend and I wanted a large Hungry Woman portion so I grabbed her Blendtec (I soooo love my Vitamix better for a gajillion reasons. My computer doesn’t like the word gajillion. Can’t figure out why not.)
After drinking my smoothie I was left a bit bloated and not entirely satisfied. Are green smoothies ever entirely satisfying? Well maybe if I added a nice sweet banana or some juicy mango, but that would be more sugar than I wanted so I chugged it down with a forced smile.
What’s a girl to do when not satisfied? Get satisfied, of course. I didn’t have much room in my stomach so I needed something I could nurse a bit as the smoothie worked its way out. I settled on a Bulletproof-ish Spicy Mocha. I used a chunk of the Bulletproof Chocolate Bar with decaf coffee blended along with unsalted grass-fed butter and hot cayenne tincture – love that stuff.
Later still, I had a bit of a snack. I’m a hungry woman after all.
I was getting Kamea a snack of raw grass-fed cheese and rice crackers. I couldn’t resist a hunk of raw grass-fed cheese.
Dinner was leftovers that’d make anyone a happy camper.
I made a grass-fed pot roast the other day. It was a smashing success. I was running low on the pot roast (it was day three of feeding us) so I cooked up some organic bok choy with grass-fed butter to go with it.
Oh, and I added a few raisins to it for fun. :)
The End.