I’ll be honest, I almost didn’t write this post because I’m so tired of cornavirus being the only thing in my inbox… everything coronavirus.
However, I’m inspired to write this post because, as I wrote in the last post, I’m extraordinarily happy in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.
No, I don’t feel guilty or weird.
Succumbing to feelings of anxiety and stress would not help me or anyone around me. Stress does nothing for you. Nada. Zilch.
However, I still have dear friends and family who are upset about everything coronavirus-related. Their fear is growing daily. It’s eating them. It’s impairing their ability to adapt. It’s also setting a bad example for their kids about how to cope.
Their fear inspired me to write this post.
I have compassion and love for everyone, which is why I’m sharing how powerful words and thoughts are. Words and thoughts are powerful enough to drag you down and cloak you in fear. But they are also powerful enough to lift you up and make you bulletproof. Your self-talk can make you smile and soar — in any situation.
Even a pandemic.
How you react is a CHOICE. It’s all in the words and thoughts you think and feel! Do you realize that you’re free, in every moment, to think power thoughts or not? You get to choose. Every choice is a chance to make change. What one person thinks is awful, another sees as beautiful. It really is in the eye of the beholder.
No one thinks that the suffering caused by this virus is joyful, but being joyful in spite of that suffering is how we go beyond surviving to thriving. Imagine — thriving in a time like this. Yes, you can.
I am.
I know it’s not always easy lifting yourself out of dark places. That is… unless you have tools. One of those tools for me is kick-ass self-talk.
Self-talk… my daily drips of awesome-sauce-nutrients that fill my mental, physical, and spiritual tank and keep my bliss unleashed… in spite of coronavirus.
Let’s dive in.
Self-Talk: A Primer
Even if you’ve never heard of self-talk, you’ve actually been doing it all your life. It’s been around for a long time, probably since homo sapiens started talking. Self-talk is — here’s the short version — simply the words that you say and think to yourself. It’s your inner voice, your internal dialog. Sometimes it’s spoken, sometimes it’s silent. Sometimes you’re aware of it, usually you’re not.
Example #1: Really Bad Self-Talk
“I’m freaked out about coronavirus.”
Example #2: Good Self-Talk
“I’m grateful for the food and shelter I have right now. I’m open to creativity and enjoying this time to explore new ideas.”
Seriously, it’s that simple. Start a dialog that runs REGULARLY through your head with positive thoughts. Empowering thoughts. Feel good thoughts. The more you do it, the more you get used to it. I promise.
How Do You “Do” Self-Talk?
I repeat: You simply say (and think) uplifting thoughts. That’s it.
It will change your life if you stick to it!
When you do this, you won’t be saying or thinking negative thoughts. And… um… life gets nice! Better than nice… it gets pretty darn amazing in spite of the shit-storm going on around you.
Self-Talk is so simple.
Simple, but not easy for everyone. Speaking good self-talk (especially saying it out loud) can feel weird at first. However, that totally goes away after a bit. In fact, you’ll soon get to the point where you feel weird if you’re not saying and thinking uplifting things. It’ll become your comfortable norm.
But during the initial phase, when positive affirmations still sound strange coming out of your mouth, the thing you need to realize is that you don’t have to really believe the words at first. Over time, you will! That’s the magic of self-talk.
Is Self-Talk Just Positive Thinking?
Self-talk is related to positive thinking, but it’s not the same thing.
Positive thinking is important, because you must believe that your desired outcomes are possible if you’re going to expend effort (or even take risks) to pursue them.
Self-talk helps you create new, better beliefs, and it strengthens the ones you want to reinforce. Self-talk therefore helps give you a more positive, constructive view of what is possible. And in particular, of what you’re capable of accomplishing.
Good self-talk is having thoughts swirling around your brain and coming across your lips that feel good. You feel uplifted and energized as they spark joy when thought or uttered.
When you congratulate yourself on a good job, or you think you look pretty no matter what, or tell yourself you have the skill or courage to go after what you want — these are all examples of good self-talk. Any words that fill your cup, make you feel inspired, worthy, and whole… those are awesome self-talk.
Now that you’re aware of the difference, you must accept the responsibility that all of your self-talk — good or bad — is a choice. Your choice. You choose to use good self-talk or bad self-talk.
Which will you choose?
Let’s begin… here’s a script to read through every day. Better yet, do it three times a day or more. What else do you have to do anyway while sheltering in place? :) That’s it… just read it over and over. If you want extra credit, then try to feel elevated emotions and appreciation as you read each word.
You’ll see below a list of phrases that I run through, sing, yell, say, and think many times a day. You’ll see some things specific to health, creativity, magic, you name it… all uplifting stuff that makes me feel excited, empowered, and motivated.
I’ve chosen statements that inspire me to do something creative. To attract greatness to me! I have statements inspiring me to move my ass more and not just sit on the couch. I’ve written things about health which boosts my energy and immune system.
Every line is written with intent, for me, and directing my body, brain, heart, and soul with nothing but greatness.
Welcome to my inner world.
Positive Coronavirus Self-Talk
I am grateful for drinking water, food, my bed, and pillows.
I’m a creative loving genius.
I flow through life effortlessly and gracefully because I have an abundance of time.
I believe in me. I just open my heart and connect to everything wonderful coming my way.
Bountiful new opportunities are coming to me right now.
I’m powerful and capable of doing anything I want. I go after it!
I love doing new things.
My color shines and lights up my life and the life of others.
The Universe has my back on everything known and unknown.
I am ready to accept miracles!
My imagination runs wild and I’m filled with creativity.
I put out high-energy frequencies day and night and it attracts that which I desire into my dream life.
My energy is so wonderful that it’s healing to other people as well.
I feel loved deeply and daily. I’m worthy of excellence, love, and vitality. I’m whole.
I’m in awe of nature and the world around me.
Synchronicities are all around and they feel magical.
I love me and I love my life. I love my body and I love moving it.
I feeeeeeeeeel good!
When I’m already in a state of worthiness, gratitude, and empowerment, then I feel like my desires have already come true. This connects my current feelings to the ones I know are in the future, and my body believes it’s already happened.
I am thankful for taking such great care of myself and my body.
Exercise can be as easy as doing some jumping jacks or a few pushups. Once I get started, I want to do more because it feels so great and it empowers me.
The longer I’m conscious of energy of wholeness and health, the more I draw it to me.
I love getting enough sleep where my dreams process my day and and my deep sleep aids in healing and recovery.
My body has the power to heal itself because it’s designed to do that.
I love my body today and always.
My thoughts hold the perfect medicine.
I love reading, writing, and creating.
All is well.
I sparkle. I soar like an eagle. I’m full of life and vitality. Swooooosh.
I tune in to opportunities for health. I feel them all around me. My incredible energy keeps me connected to my longevity.
My immune system is powerful and strong because I feel happiness and gratitude every day.
I breathe easily.
I have perfect health.
I have clarity and I think clearly every day because I’m focused.
My feelings and beliefs impact my every cell.
I turn on my healing genes with comedy and humor. I love laughing.
My body knows how to heal because I direct it with my affirmative thoughts.
The feeling of healing produces healing.
My color shines and lights up my life.
I feel an ocean wave of peace wash over me right now. Woooosh.
My body is a self-healing organism. My body repairs when I am relaxed and happy.
My body loves being strong. I stand in my own power.
Every time I appreciate something, every time I feel good about something, I’m telling the universe “More of this, please!”
I am a rapid healer.
I love every part of me from my hair to my brain to my eyes and face to my arms and chest to my stomach and organs to my legs and feet. All of me.
Love is wondrous because it heals.
My body perseveres!
I’m smart. I’m confident. I’m unlimited.
I’m organized and efficient because this keeps me focused.
I keep my life in order.
I am worthy to receive. I sense it. I know it. I feel it. I stay aware of it all day.
My needs are always met.
The longer I’m conscious of this energy of abundance, the more I draw opportunities to me.
I have freedom of creativity for my favorite passions.
My heart expands with strength and courage. My brain overflows with incredible ideas. My soul abounds with enthusiasm.
So, that’s it, my dear friends. Try some self-talk, change the words in your mind, turn off the TV except for rare updates, and just fill your head with wonderful day-dream delicious stuff. It’ll help you breeze through this and feel better. I promise.