Supplements: Probiotic, E3-Live, vitamin D2, wheat grass tablets, vegan DHA, digestive enzymes
Green Juice: cucumber, kale, lime, broccoli, dandelion greens (dandelion greens are great for cleansing and nourishing your liver)
Green Smoothie: 1 large handful spinach, 2 bananas, 2 tablespoons hemp seeds, 1 teaspoon homemade curry, 1 1/2 cups coconut water (I LOVE this truly raw and ORGANIC coconut water. Pricey? Not to me when I compare it to my former addiction of enjoying daily coffee “drinks”… plus the fact that it’s good for you and an awesome treat!)
Mexican Crackers with raw almond butter
2 small oranges
More Mexican Crackers with almond butterChia Pudding
1/2 KeVita
Green juice: cucumber, dandelion, kale, lime
Large serving zucchini pasta with an abundance of vegetables (pictured)
Chia Pudding
1 spoon of Rawtella
Supplements: Probiotic, E3-Live, vitamin D2, wheat grass tablets, vegan DHA, digestive enzymes
Water with fresh lime juice
Green juice: cucumber, grapefruit, dandelion, celery, kale
Green smoothie: spinach, orange, grapefruit, stevia (I don’t recommend this combo – ack)
Big Salad with tahini almond butter dressing loaded with nutrient dense veggies
Big bowl Go Raw Chocolate Granola with homemade raw almond milk
Pizza Bites (pictured)
2 spoons of Rawtella
Herbal tea
By the way… I did comparison videos of baby wearing carriers over at my Green Mommy Blog. Check it out!