Why Write About Becoming a HAPPY SEXY MILLIONAIRE?
I’m writing about my journey to becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire, because I thought why not share the actual story in real time, while I’m living it?
While I’m inspired reading stories about people after they’ve attained success, wouldn’t it be fun to follow the journey as it happens?
A Purpose
Most importantly, I’m sharing my story because I recently discovered why I’m here… why I’m me and what I’m to do with the rest of my life using the skills and experiences I’ve acquired. I’m here to share this amazing energy that I’ve tapped into and floods my heart and soul. I’m here to spread happiness. It’s literally contagious, after all!
Living a completely different way than I have for the past 30 years feels miraculous. But, here’s the thing. It’s not a miracle. It’s something we can all experience, and I want to help others do the same.
The Staggering Current State of Anxiety for People
Studies show that up to 50% of Millennials and Gen Z people experience regular chronic anxiety. That’s a life living in constant survival-mode, and that’s not good. Not good for health care, not good for creation of ideas, not good for solving problems, and not good for our future. My heart goes out to these people, and I want to show them — and everyone else — that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Then this…
Dr. Peter Attia sent the following shocker in his recent email newsletter
“According to a new study in JAMA, life expectancy (LE) at birth stopped increasing since 2010 and actually decreased in the U.S. for three consecutive years. Perhaps surprisingly, increased mortality rates in midlife—defined rather broadly as 25-64 years old—are driving the stall, and eventual decline, in LE. Within this group, the largest increases in mortality rate occurred in the subset of people aged 25-34, and it was the increase in drug overdoses, suicides, and alcohol-related diseases that were identified as three key causes of death in this group. Between 1999 and 2017, midlife mortality from drug overdoses increased by nearly 400% (from 6.7 deaths/100,000 to 32.5), alcoholic liver disease increased by 40.6% (from 6.4 to 8.9), and suicide rates increased by 38.3% (from 13.4 to 18.6). This triad is referred to as ‘deaths of despair’ by one research group.”
Peter Attia
That’s Unacceptable.
Sad and completely unnecessary. We are all capable of so much joy. We’re capable of living a life filled with endless possibility and brightness that outshines darkness. We’re capable of becoming resilient no matter what the conditions are.
I want a world for myself, for my family, and especially for my daughter, where the people in her life are filled with optimism, creativity, awe, happiness, and generosity… therefore, helping one another, and making the world more peaceful. After all, great social movements begin in the minds of just a few people.
The Beauty of the Responsibility
The beautiful thing is that each of us is capable of doing this for ourselves. And we must. There’s no other way. It’s empowering, too, discovering that we’re all responsible for own happiness. You don’t need any one or thing to make it happen. It’s all within you.
Not Everyone Knows This Though.
I have a family member who blames her depression on the fact that my husband, daughter, and I moved abroad. When I hear her say things like that, I think how obviously untrue it is. For starters, she was not happy when we lived in the states. But, mostly, because her life is composed of so much more than just us. That’s not how she views her reality. She has conditioned her mind to think a certain way, so that’s how she feels. It’s a choice.
It’s wrong to put the burden of one’s happiness on another human being, but I can’t just tell her that. Hearing those words would not move the needle on her happiness. Instead, I live by example and find ways to steathily sprinkle more opportunities for her to create her own happiness. (More on that later.)
Emotional Contagion
A growing field of research, emotional contagion, shows that our moods can powerfully impact one another . On the bright side, happiness and positivity are wonderfully contagious, and the good vibe spreads beyond yourself, influencing others in a positive way. That’s a goal of sharing my positive journey here with you. More happy people sharing happiness with yet more people, and it starts a ripple effect.
On the flip side, stress and negativity can also be contagious. Being aware of this is important, and remembering how powerful we all are individually to create our own happiness is the key to shielding yourself from a “Negative Nelly.” Just because we’re around negative people doesn’t mean it has to rub off on us. Again, it’s a choice.
Fire in My Soul
You can and will find the joy in every day. That’s my promise to you, and I’m going to show you how I’m doing it. And when you find it, you will take flight. My soul has fire in it — more than ever before — and it’s being flamed by the hour. So, let’s do this!

Why, Specifically, Happy Sexy Millionaire?
“Happy Sexy Millionaire” — say it out loud once or twice. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
I chose these words carefully. I started with about two dozen words and narrowed them down to this succinct, three-word label that stands for so much more than just those three words. Every word is packed with special meaning to me. And taken together, they form a holistic picture that, for me, expresses balance.
Let’s take each word, one at a time.
Happiness… that’s really what it’s all about, right? I mean, if you’re 100% happy, then presumably you don’t need anything else. Or do you?
Happiness is the great catch-all. And yes, it covers most of what I want. But happiness is, by its nature, ephemeral. Its focus is always the present. Happiness doesn’t mean everything in your life is going perfectly. It means that you are consistently in a healthy and positive frame of mind no matter what’s going on. It’s about wisdom and emotional maturity. When things are going great, it means you express gratitude. And when life throws you curveballs, it means you’re self-possessed, graceful, learning from it, and never feeding the cycle of negative thought that leads to more bad stuff.
Happy people create their own reality. First in their minds, then in the world around them, and then it spreads to others.
I’m not just going to become a millionaire. I’m going to be a happy, sexy one. To be sure, having money doesn’t automatically make one happy. That’s why I’m creating my destiny of Happy and Sexy and Millionaire.
To me, “sexiness” means feeling alive. It means possessing health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness — not just a youthful body, but a youthful mind and outlook on life. A youthful mind means openness to change, new ideas, and being optimistic, focused on what’s possible.
Sexiness means feeling electric and sizzling. It feels so good feeling sexy. I want that hot electricity crackling through my body all the time. So, I’m creating it right along with happiness and a millionaire life.
And let’s be honest, labeling my manifestation with “sexy” adds the spicy kick. Imagine if it were just “Happy Millionaire” — snoozeville. Something’s definitely missing. What’s missing? THE SPICE.
Happy Sexy Millionaire, on the other hand… the first time I thought and said it, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It took everything to a whole new level. Don’t believe me? Go look into a mirror and say out loud, “I’m a Happy Sexy Millionaire” and report back on how you felt when you said it! (Much more on this in future posts!)
Anyway, “sexy” adds the salsa to my whole manifestation enchilada. It’s way more fun, and it strikes something deep in my core.
For me, “millionaire” is a fun label that takes a bunch of related ideas, wraps them up, and puts a giant, pink, sparkly bow on it. The ideas are things like: abundance, security, generosity, occasional frivolity, and much more. Fun stuff.
Money too, of course, but money is always just a means. I’ve known a lot of millionaires, and, to a person, the ones who focus on the money itself are absolutely miserable. (”Miserable” actually comes from the word, miser! Which is Latin for wretched.) The ones who focus on prosperity on the other hand — and all the life balance implied by that word — they’re the ones who’ve figured it out and living the kind of life people dream about, full of love, happiness, and abundance of all kinds.
I’m not a millionaire. Yet. At least, not the money part. As for abundance… well, that’s always a matter of perspective, and I absolutely have abundance right now. I mean, we’re healthy, traveling the world, and don’t have freakin’ bosses! Money promises freedom to most people, and I have that now.
But the money is coming — believe it! Guess what? I’m happy, already now, as a direct result of everything I’m doing in my life to cultivate it. Money will make for some super awesome experiences, absolutely. It makes life easier with more choices, too, but I found my happiness on this journey of seeking abundance long before the money arrives.
Lastly, because “millionaire” is just my playful label for abundance, the actual dollar amount that you seek to manifest — be it ten thousand or ten million — is totally up to you. If you’d like to join us in becoming Happy Sexy Millionaires, your number can be whatever you want, and you can still just say Millionaire.
Money and Happiness
Despite the old saying, research shows that money actually does make people happier… to a point. But once you’ve got enough to live in relative comfort and security, then extra money doesn’t make most people any happier.
That means it’s important to be happy today, no matter where you are with respect to your bank account. Not only is happiness now important for your well-being and enjoyment, but — ironically — you must already possess happiness in order to manifest wealth!
Because you won’t be able to manifest the millions when you live in a state of fear, coming from a place of survival, stress, or negativity. Waiting for my happiness until after having millions won’t fill life with elevated emotions. As a result, there could be conflict and likely no manifestation of any kind.
When people embrace their manifesting like Dr. Joe Dispenza describes in his books and meditations, they invariably (myself included) find themselves in the same situation… after a while, they feel happy and free and amazing… as if all of their manifestations had already come true! At this point, we all know we’re on our way and living our best lives.
That’s the KEY: You must feel as though the manifestation has become reality, before it becomes reality. You must feel it in your gut for your brain to actualize it and take it from the world of thoughts and dreams to the world of atoms and dollars.
I remember seeing Ms. Bern’s testimonial on Dr. Joe’s YouTube channel. She’s a woman who found her happiness while manifesting her healing body, not after healing from cancer. She didn’t need to wait for health to experience bliss. While “doing the work,” she discovered joy despite her medical condition. This joy filled her with love, and the energy of love is healing. And, guess what? She healed. Boom!
Watch this!
When The Universe Says, “Hey, Let’s Dance!”
Do you believe in signs?
As I started writing publicly about all of this last week, I admit, I had a tiny “vulnerability hangover.” I wondered if I was sharing too much personal information. Would I sound weird? With all this talk of living a legendary life and manifesting a Happy Sexy Life? What if I write, for all the world to see, about becoming a millionaire, and it doesn’t happen?
But then, I remembered one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown, and her Ted Talks. She discusses courage and vulnerability. I learned from her that “Courage is from the Latin word “cor,” meaning “heart” — and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.”
Wow. How fitting. It shifted my mindset. I called upon my courage, pushed and prodded at my comfort zone, and realized that this was actually fun, and very important. I could help change the world.
Brene Brown also taught me this gem of a quote from Teddy Roosevelt, which I always keep handy:
It is not the critic who counts. It is not the man who sits and points out how the doer of deeds could have things better and how he falls and stumbles. The credit goes to the man in the arena whose face is marred with dust and blood and sweat. But when he’s in the arena, at best, he wins, and at worst, he loses, but when he fails, when he loses, he does so daring greatly.
Brene Brown quoting Teddy Roosevelt at Ted
Oooh shivers!
What started out as an idea to simply write about my journey for the hell of it, seeing what might happen, I quickly realized that this would become something bigger. I started to receive signs from… the universe, the source, God, the Force… whatever you want to call it. It all feels magical and glittery to me.
Thinking in terms of “Magic”… on a recent interview with Dave Asprey, Dr. Weil said the following:
I think there’s all sorts of magical stuff out there that I probably didn’t see before… things like synchronicities… If you start paying attention to them, they’re there. Some people say, ‘Oh, it’s a coincidence’ but that’s the label on the mental wastebasket that we throw certain experiences into, saying this has no significance. If you start saying that maybe this is a highly significant thing then they begin happening more frequently, and they can guide you in a certain direction.
Dr. Weil on Bulletproof Radio
The Universe asked me to dance. And now, I’m on a mission.
The signs are coming from all over! Multiple signs, of all different shapes and sizes, and I welcome them all with open arms.
For example, the following experience put a little pep in my step. There was quote about writing at the bottom of Tim Ferriss’ 5-Bullet Friday email. It popped into my in-box shortly after I posted my first post about Happy Sexy Millionaire. The quote read:
Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly
That struck me like a bolt of lightning.
I had been wondering how my crazy musings would be received. Should I do this, should I say these things? Then I told myself that I was writing for me, because I was actually having fun writing. This encouraged me to keep going, brave in my own voice.
Another nudge of encouragement came when someone sent me an email with this quote at the bottom:
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson
More goosebumps. As I imagined writing about my journey, I wondered what it might manifest into and I questioned the possible smallness of just blogging about it. After getting this timely quote, I realized that I was planting seeds with each post.
The next sign: A podcast emailed me out of the blue and asked to interview me. Exciting!
But the biggest sign of all… I began receiving amazing responses from readers!
The emails started coming in right away, after I published the first Happy Sexy Millionaire post. People reached out via email, Instagram, and Twitter. They shared their stories related to what I had written. Here are a couple of them:
Example #1 (via email, used with permission)): I set a big goal in June to earn an extra 25K/year with ease and joy. Doing things that light me up, that I can do from home, that I can do when I retire from teaching, etc. I cannot wait to keep reading your blog. So happy to have found you and your work.
Example #2 (Twitter): Loved your first chapter of “I’ve Decided to Become a Millionaire.” You are a very entertaining writer and keep my interest piqued. I first became interested in Joe Dispenza when he was in a movie called “What the (Bleep) Do We Know?” Looking forward to your continued journey.
Example #3 via (Instagram): Another women reached out to share her same situation and transformation. She felt so good about the journey I am on and wanted to let me know.
Yesssssss! Keep going, Kristen.
*Special Note: Please keep the emails coming! I respond to every one of them and they mean so much to me!!!
Dancing with the Universe
Then, another a nifty encounter with the Universe occurred. My reaction to it emboldened me and shifted my focus toward the future.
Quick back story, during my meditation that morning, I pondered and sought guidance, “Am I going in the right direction with writing my story, or am I trying too hard? Is this the right thing? Is this what I should be doing now?”
Then later, when the event happened, I pulled out my trusty digital voice recorder, which I carry everywhere, to capture my reaction. Here’s the transcript:
I just had two cars in a row stop me and ask me for directions. That’s interesting! This has never happened in Italy, and to have it twice in a row, about a minute apart. I can’t help but think it’s not only weird to have two separate people stop me within the same two minutes, but that they both asked for directions. I mean, obviously, to stop someone on the side of the road that’s what they’re usually doing… asking for directions. But, I see it as a sign that I will help people, directing them, by sharing my story. There are people out there looking for direction!
My Spirit Was Moved.
It hit me, after the second car, that it was the universe sending me a sign. Also interesting was my reaction to this realization however. I felt a sense of exhilaration after embracing the sign, but followed it with doubting questions. Was this over-thinking? Was I being unrealistic? Are signs like this real?
I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do believe things are connected, sometimes weirdly, even if I can’t explain them.
Here’s a short clip about “signs” from one of my favorite movies, Fools Rush In
I couldn’t wait to share my story with Greg… I was excited! And deep down, I resonated with it being a sign. It felt like one. However, in that moment, my confidence wavered ever so slightly, and I figured I’d qualify the account when I relayed it to him, as tentatively from the universe. Why? I didn’t want to come across as a nut.
Well, fuck that.
As I heard in a recent podcast interviewing Michael Beckwith, “IF YOU DON’T DO YOU … THEN YOU WON’T BE DONE! IF YOU DON’T DO YOU … THEN YOU WON’T BE DONE! IF YOU DON’T DO YOU … THEN YOU WON’T BE DONE!”
So, let’s do this.
Taking Ownership and Being Unapologetically Me
That’s when I had my next “moment.” The fear of sounding foolish simply vanished. I thought, “Screw that, it’s a sign, and I love signs!” I will be bold. I will tell him the story from my true heart. I will be unapologetically me.
Remember from above… “Courage is from the Latin word “cor,” meaning “heart” — and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.”
So, I told him the story — with my whole heart — that the universe, in no uncertain terms, is dancing with me.
What do you think? Do you believe in signs? Drop me a line!
Next up:
Post 4: Science Behind the Magic of Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire
The Happy Sexy Millionaire Series
Post 1: I’ve Decided to Become a Millionaire
Post 2: How I Started My Life Change to Become a Happy Sexy Millionaire
Post 3: Why Write About Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire? (You are here now)
Post 4: Science Behind the Magic of Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire
Post 5: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 1: Loving Yourself
Post 6: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 2: Law of Attraction Meditations
Post 7: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 3: Off-the-Couch Daily Living Immersion