In the first and second post about becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire, I started sharing the story about my new life, from the breakdown to my breakthrough.
In the third post, I told you WHY Happy Sexy Millionaire was my thing.
Today’s post covers some of the science behind the magic transforming my life.
And after today’s post, we dive into all the things I’m actually doing to manifest this legendary life! There is a formula to becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire, and I’m going to share it with you.
But first, it’s important you understand why it actually works.
The Inspiring Science Today
I am absolutely convinced that the mind and body are one thing, they’re not separable.
Dr. Andrew Weil, Bulletproof radio
There’s an undeniable and inspiring mind-body connection. Why is this exciting? Because this means you really do have control over your own biology and your life.
The key lies in your brain. How exciting to know that you have the power and you can use it any way you want.
Of course…
With great power comes great responsibility.
The question for you and me, and for all of us… how will you use the power you have?
How Does This Apply to Being A Happy Sexy Millionaire?
The connection between the mind and body is what gives you the power to live your legendary life. It means you can create your own Happy Sexy Millionaire life, too. You want the most abundant, healthy, fun, happy, and resilient life ever? Read on.
Diving Into Some Fun and Easy Science
Well, here’s some exciting science showing you what’s going on behind the magic, and why you can do it, too. This amazing opportunity is afforded to each and every one of us.
Let’s do it!
I’m going to talk about three main things:
1. Neuroplasticity: How your thoughts and emotions literally re-wire your brain and change you from the inside out.
2. Meditation: You’ll be inspired to do it once you realize how and why it will make you healthier and change your life.
3.The mysterious quantum and my own take on how the “law of attraction” applies to my becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire.
Let’s start with a fundamental part of the formula, neuroplasticity, which is simply how we learn new skills.
This is important because it’s going to get you unstuck and on the right trajectory to loving your life and attracting your heart’s desires. Because you(!) determine what takes root (or not) inside you, based on what you’re thinking and feeling in every moment.
From 0 to 60 With a Single Thought
The fascinating thing is how quickly change can happen. Your brain can change in a second, with a single thought, and, so, you can change the direction of your life. I promise.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “people don’t change” or “ya can’t teach an old ‘dog’ new tricks.” Well, it’s simply not true. Under the right conditions, they absolutely can and DO change. I’m going to show you how. Just imagine the possibilities! (I get tingly every time I take a step back and ponder this fact. It’s literally life-changing.)
Neuroscientists learned the brain remains super flexible, and that means you can rebuild its pathways. When you learn new things, your brain’s cells (called neurons) take action! You’re the director, they’re the actors. You’re the general. They’re the soldiers in your command.
Fire It Up to Wire It Up
Your brain cells “fire and wire.” This means they activate by firing, and every time they fire together — that is, when you think about something — the neurons start to connect, or “wire together.” This essentially forms a new you. New thought patterns, beliefs, behaviors, habits — which all create a new life.
New thinking. New You.
The more firing neurons do about something, the stronger they wire together. The stronger the wires, the more pronounced they are (and the harder they are to dismantle). That’s good when wiring good things. And, well, bad when wiring bad things, such as negative beliefs about yourself or the world that aren’t even true.
Why Is This Superpower Important?
The ability to re-wire your brain is important because it’s how you become a new you! It’s how you create your legendary life, if you’re not living one now. This is our superpower, and anyone can do it!
It’s how you help ensure that you wake up every friggin’ morning excited to jump into your life! Imagine the best you’ve felt ever(!), and now imagine what it would be to feel like that constantly!
“The mind and body are one. We all have far more control over our health and well-being than we realize.”
Ellen Langer, a.k.a. The Mother of Mindfulness (Harvard psychologist)
The cool thing is that as you fire and wire new thought patterns, over time, your old wiring withers away, because you’re using them less. This is good when reprogramming your subconscious for your legendary life. The old limiting crap eventually goes dark and doesn’t bother you anymore. As this happens, your brain starts dismantling that wiring in order to reuse those building blocks for the new awesome active circuits you’re creating. The new you!
Imagine Having a Dramatically Different Brain Than the One You’ve Got Now
Neuroscience shows that your brain can physically and chemically change with each and every new thought you think, emotion you feel, and experience you have. Huge transformations can occur within just a few weeks! Permanently!
So, as you’re learning new things, you’re changing the person you are because your brain is constantly creating and dismantling in real time. You get what you repeat. Boohyah!
For example, as I think great thoughts and feel elevated emotions (love, awe, gratitude, etc.), I’m firing and wiring the good stuff. This is as simple as thinking about my husband and daughter, feeling love for them. Or thinking about the food I get to eat and feeling gratitude. Or staring in awe at the mountains or ocean. Or feeling exciting anticipation for my future I’m designing.
Call It “Upwiring” Your Brain.
Like an upgrade! :) As I’m doing this, I’m no longer running my old fear circuitry (created in my childhood), and so it starts to wither away over time. How cool! The old, “use it or lose it” wonderfully applies here (a.k.a. “pruning”).
Pay Attention!
Of course, watch out(!), because the opposite also applies. If you think and feel shitty negative emotions, then those wires reinforce. I call that “downwiring,” like a downgrade. :( Nobody wants that.
Remember, you can’t experience both abundance and lack at the same time. The brain doesn’t work that way. You can’t have both love and hate simultaneously going on in your head. It’s either an elevated emotion or a limited one, but not both.
Pro-tip: Pick the elevated one.
Don’t consent to live small or scared. Take advantage of every moment to go big and beautiful! Embrace your true light and love. Dig deep into your passion you know is there.
The New Way to Wash Dishes
For example, if you find yourself just standing there washing the dishes, not focused on anything in particular, use that moment to cultivate elevated emotions with simple thoughts of gratitude. Or start thinking about what you’re manifesting. It’s like day-dreaming and super fun! Ergo, now washing dishes is fun. You’re welcome. ;)
When I’m brushing my teeth, between squats (cuz you know I habit-stack), I take the moment to look into my reflection and I actually wink at myself. Seriously. I’m goofy and playful in that moment, and it feels so cute and good. Just do it! Try yourself, you’ll see.
Go After It With Gusto!

It makes perfect sense that every opportunity you have to think and feel good, you better grab it! Go get it because it’s yours for the taking! Every chance you get. It all fires and wires. And then more. The more, the better! The result? Lightening fast transformation of your whole being.
When you focus on your desires you feel amazing! And when you feel amazing you know you’re getting that much closer to manifesting your legendary life.
Multiply to Amplify
When you repeat (i.e. “multiply”) these thoughts and feelings (remember, good or bad, so choose GOOD), they amplify. When this happens, you’d better watch out, whoo hoo(!), because your body moves into action to create your awesome reality.
Your thoughts work like compound interest for manifesting your awesome life. The effects multiply as you repeat them. So, be smart and choose every thought circulating around your head (and feeling circulating around your body) wisely, because it matters. In fact, literally, thoughts become matter.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a family member complain, “It’s just more shit I have to deal with” or “Here we go again, when will I have an easy day?” or “Why do those f—ing telemarketers always call me?!” and thoughts like that, ad infinitum.
Those thoughts are negative affirmations, and every time you think or say one of them, those bad pathways in your brain get stronger and stronger. They’re called affirmations because that’s what they do. They affirm as truth!
It’s impossible to live a legendary life while thinking negatively.
After a short while of consistently thinking and feeling goodness, if anything negative enters your field you immediately “stink-eye” it. It’s weird and a bit, well, stinky. Your nose wrinkles. You know it ain’t right.
Then, your reaction starts to change even more as your bullshit detector gets stronger. After you spend more time with elevated thinking and feeling, (because it’s your new norm, ya know), the response to having anything negative in your life is more severe. And, you don’t like it. Not a bit. You throw your hands up with an “OH HELL NO!” and you turn that sh*t around!
The Secret Key You Must Remember: A 1-2 Punch!
Remember, there’s more to it than just thinking and watching what you affirm — your thoughts or words. That’s because it’s a 1-2-punch. The “punch” is your emotions. The thoughts you think – things you want in your life… dream job, loving relationship with a sexy awesome person, a million dollars, health and vitality, dreamy relaxing vacation, etc. – they go hand-in-hand with the feelings circulating in your body.
As I wrote in a the last post, it’s not enough to just think these things. Equally important is that you literally feel your way toward them manifesting. Feeeeeeeeeeeeelings.
What Does This Mean Exactly?
Well, you know how I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza that you can’t have conflicting thoughts and feelings at the same time? You can’t think about attracting opportunities for a loving relationship when you feel fearful. Oh, you’ll maybe find a relationship, but it won’t be a loving one. Same for me… I can’t attract the awe-inspired, Happy Sexy Millionaire life I want if I’m simultaneously feeling scarcity or lack.
As Dr. Joe puts it, the thought sends the signal out (to the quantum, universe, source, the force, god), and your feelings draw it back to you. In other words, the elevated emotions you feel, and the positive energy projected as a result, rocket boosts your dreamed destiny toward you. If you want a life of magnificence but your attitude is shitty, it’s going to take a lot longer, if you’re even successful at all. Striving for your dreams while, deep down, feeling like it’s not possible is like pushing a boulder up a hill. No, it’s worse… it’s standing in front of a boulder that’s rolling backwards toward you!
Bottom Line: Thoughts + Feelings = Your Reality
We set intentions (thoughts) as we design our legendary life. As we think these thoughts and feeeeeeeeeeeeel the appropriate corresponding emotions (repeatedly!), we train our minds. It fires and wires and fires and wires and fires and wires. BAM! New you! Awesome new life coming!
Oh the possibilities that await us all, when you make this stuff work for you and not against you.
What’s Going on Under the Hood
The chemistry of your brain and body are very different when you’re thinking and feeling love or joy versus stress or fear. Your brain’s blood flow and brain waves are completely different, depending on the feelings you have. The neural pathways that fire, and the cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones your brain releases are absolutely different.
Our uplifted emotions help us make endorphins (i.e., opiate peptides) and “feel-good” neurotransmitters (ex: serotonin – a.k.a. the happy hormone, oxytocin – a.k.a. the love-bonding hormone, and dopamine). This explains why I’m high as a kite every day. My body is making some cool-ass chemicals that light me up like a Christmas tree.
It’s true that there are many ways to help you manufacture these chemicals with external stimuli such as uplifting music, chocolate, funny movies, exercise, great sex, etc. That’s all good, too. But we humans — once trained to use our brains — are so powerful that we don’t even need these triggers to create an endorphin rush. We can do it in our minds! It’s Jedi-Mind shit.
And, the result? Amazeballs. When we experience elevated feelings and emotions, we feel like soaring eagles… it’s so rich that we can quite literally feel “high.” Science keeps backing this up with new findings. Consider the discovery of a neurotransmitter we make while in elevated states and while meditating, called Anandamide. It’s known as the “Bliss molecule.” Get this — it even inhibits the formation of cancer. Bam!
This isn’t Woo-Woo. It’s Biology. You have the power to make yourself feel like a blissed-out eagle! How cool is that?
The Opposite End: Stressing Sucks – Just Don’t F*cking Do It.
Oh my god, the total opposite happens when we’re stressed. We constantly obsess about everything outside of ourselves. I never realized it until Dr. Joe pointed out in one of books that stress chemicals cause us to function as materialists.
Materialists? Ain’t That the Truth!
When you’re stressed, do you start obsessing and focusing on things like your body, what you look like, time, or maybe purchasing material things, or income, debt, etc.?
In the past, when I was anxious about money, I immediately jumped to hyper-analyzing my income and sales.
Or, when I entertained my fears around health, full of paranoia I instantly obsessed about tweaking my diet with supplements and extra sardines.
Many people (one family member comes to mind), respond to stress by reflexively turning to “retail therapy” — spending money to buy material objects in order to feel better inside. In these moments, your BFF, Amazon.com, is right there, ready to hold your hand… and take your money.
Cortisol and Crows Feet
When you’re stressed, here’s what’s going on under the hood: cortisol and adrenaline — the main stress hormones — are gushing out of your glands and they elevate your heart rate, jack your digestion, and make you freak the f*ck out. This is all good for your longevity when you’re being chased by a lion on the African Savannah. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t get to Africa that often, and for those of us who aren’t hunter-gatherers in the literal sense, these stress hormones — over time — will literally KILL YOU.
Our stress response — the so-called “fight or flight” mode — is only meant to be used in actual, “in case of emergency, break glass” situations. As in lions chasing you. Not when someone cuts you off in traffic. Not when you’re late for work. Not when you’re on deadline. Not when going through security at the airport. Not when you’re doing taxes. Not even when your spouse says, “We need to talk.”
You must learn to control (and stop it dead in its tracks) ANY stress that arises in any moment when you don’t need extra strength or speed from your muscles. Period.
It might sound impossible, but it’s not. I’m living proof, and if I can do it, anyone can!
You can have chronic levels of the killer stress hormones even from just thinking(!)about stressful events. And, it literally ages you. It inflames you, downgrades your immune system, kills brain cells, makes you tired, and wrecks your precious body. Totally NOT Happy Sexy Millionaire stuff.
Beauty tip: Want more wrinkles? Let stress run your life. Want better skin? Think and feel elevated emotions.
My Xanax Story
I repeat, even thinking about stressful events will cause you to release cortisol.
Sadly, I once used this to my “advantage” about 20 years ago, thinking it was a good idea at the time. I was married to my first husband and things weren’t going well. It was a stressful situation. I decided to see my doctor because I wanted Xanax to calm me, but I wasn’t sure she’d prescribe it. So, while I was in the doctor’s office, I started intentionally thinking all kinds of stressful thoughts knowing it’d have a direct result on my physiology and that she’d see I should have the drug. (I know, fucked up.) Well, I ended up passing out, right there, from working myself up in such a tizzy all from thought alone!
Oh My God, If I Knew Then What I Know Now
The fact is… we can make our bodies produce cortisol by negative and stressful thoughts alone. Your brain can’t tell the difference between a real threat, a mere perceived threat, or even a totally imagined threat.
BUT! The empowering thing is that we have control over this. It works in the opposite direction, too! We can flood our bodies with feel-good chemicals by thought alone!
We can live a life where cortisol and adrenaline are manufactured in our bodies only when it’s truly needed. Those lion moments.
Stress Can Make You Stupid – Just Sayin’
Stress legit messes up your brain function and creates confusion. When someone stresses, more than 70% of the blood can move out from the cognitive centers of the brain! When the blood is gone, then so is the oxygen. This means we can’t focus, be creative, or problem solve. Voila, instant stupidity.
For example, public speaking is a common source of fear and stress. Many people are terrified they’ll forget what to say in front of an audience. They’re stressed, blood leaves the important parts of the brain, they can’t focus, and they can’t remember the words. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy! The fear is the cause of the thing which we feared most!
Fear is the mind-killer.
Paul Atreides, Dune
Stress also kills brain cells. In a study from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, they found that even one socially stressful event could kill new neurons in the brain’s hippocampus.
Time for Tough Love
I won’t sugar coat it. If that’s you… if your attitude sucks or if you can’t get a grip, then for crying out loud – stop it! You’re literally only asking for more of the same. And you have so much awesome potential waiting to be unleashed inside you. In fact, we’re all waiting because we all know it’s there. Dazzle us!
(Hehe) Watch this if you need a laugh and to help you remember to just… STOP IT!
The Antidote! Happiness to the Rescue!
But guess what? Happiness reduces stress chemicals. Yay! So, boost your immune system, stay smart and creative, and be beautiful with happy neurotransmitters and endorphins bubbling through your happy sparkly neurons. Think and feel elevated emotions like love and awe, knock stress out of you, and feel the best ever. Legendary living… here we come!
Brain and Bicep – The Same
Every emotion we feel, and each thought we think, reshapes our brains. Do you recognize how awesome this is? The potential? It explains why I feel like I’m bathed in shimmering magic sauce from waking up until going to bed. I’ve simply programmed my brain to think and feel the best.
You strengthen your brain much in the same way that you strengthen your biceps at the gym. The brain is like a muscle, after all. Do the right mental exercises (meditation), have the right thoughts and feelings (self-talk), and it’ll happen. More on these, later.
Now that I’ve done it so many times, my body is learning how to do it on auto-pilot. It’s becoming natural and effortless. It’s becoming a super-kick-ass skill. The more I do it, the easier and better it gets, and the more wired it becomes. Yesssssssss!
I can feel the change happening every day. I’ve had my share of bureaucratic issues in Italy (Mamma Mia!), family drama, and travel circumstances… and I breeze through them.
(But the real test? I’m now one stone-cold, chill-ass, Fonzie mutherfucker every time I go through TSA security. Forgot about my 3.0001 oz toothpaste? Whatevs. Toss it. They have toothpaste where I’m going.)
Loving “That” Relative, You Know The One
Can you imagine a life where things and people just don’t bother you? It’s possible! Do you know why?… Because it’s just not important!
Those things that got you down in the past are no longer near your energy field, because they doesn’t resonate with your new, improved, chill-vibe. Those old stressors are foreign. Borderline irrelevant, in many cases. It’s a life where you attract almost only all great things, and the few stinkers getting through are gently swatted away like a little gnat. Immaterial.
Wait until you actually start looking at that one relative (you know who they are) with eyes of love and compassion. It’s awesome! You’ll laugh at how he or she used to get you so worked up. And now, they’ll have no power over you.
At my current rate, I’ll soon level-up to the point where I longer have to consciously think about it. The smooth-sailing me is the new me almost always, and soon it will be me even during the occasional storm. Not enough people realize they can rewrite the program running inside their head. And when you do this, you change your life, and the life of those around you.
The good is already spreading through my immediate family. My vibe bounces off the walls and my daughter can’t help but witness it. It’s started to rub off on her. I’ve witnessed her behaving the same way, without her even realizing she’s doing it.
We recently moved towns in southern Italy, and on the day of the move my daughter was still recovering from the flu, carrying an overly-heavy backpack (not fun for her), and dealing with trains, schedules, waiting times, etc. When we arrived at our new apartment, you know what she said? She came up to me and put her arm around me and said, “Today was a great day, Mom.” I had a “drop the mic” achievement moment.
As for for my husband, he’s always said, “happy wife, happy life,” and well, he’s basically right. No household is at peace if the mom is stressed.
This is simply how you attract better things in your life. Epic things if you want, like Happy Sexy Millionaire. And… we can all do this! We all have the brains to do this. We’re 100% built for it!
Dancing Through My Day
You’re gonna like how you feel when you’re on top of the world.
from the song How You Feel by Oh The Larceny
So, that’s how I live. It’s the best way I can describe my overall state these days. No joke, I break out in dance on a seriously regular basis, because I feel so much positive emotion flooding my body. Sometimes tears of gratitude even fill my eyes.
Next Up: Meditation Changes Your Brain. Ergo, Your Life.
My life-changing journey all started with meditation. Specifically, the new type of meditation I’ve been doing the past year. Prior to that, I was doing a fair amount of your run-of-the-mill mindfulness meditating. It made a difference in my life, but nowhere near as impactful as what I’ve experienced the past year.
That said, meditation of pretty much any kind will make you healthier, happier, and less stressed.
Many people want to add a meditation practice to their life, but don’t follow through. I believe this is usually because people don’t think they’re doing it right. In the beginning, it can be hard to know.
Another reason for the lack of adherence is the time commitment. Meditation is part of the formula for my Happy Sexy Millionaire life though, so rarely does a day go by when I don’t meditate. I simply make the time. It’s that important.
The new type of meditation I mentioned above are, specifically, those put out by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Absolutely life-changing. Epic, even. They are guided meditations (meaning you just listen and do what Dr. Joe says), although it did help that I had read some of his books and I understood why I was doing them, how they could help me attract the best life with his formula, and why they are so successful at immediately making me feel so damn good.
Prior to Dr. Joe’s work, I stuck with my mindfulness meditation habit because I knew there would be great benefits in the long term — science has shown this many times over. Things like longevity, brain health, stress reduction, and an overall general sense of improved well-being. So I was a good girl and stuck to my meditation schedule. Most of the time. Okay, I often found excuses not to do it every day. Over time, the quasi-commitment paid off. I was having less stress and more peace in my life.
It was working. Some results had come quickly (most notably, improved ability to focus), but the other benefits took time.
But, I Wasn’t Lit Like I Am Now!
That’s because doing Dr. Joe’s meditations are like BAM! KAPOW! For starters, during the actual meditation, you actually feel awesome. I mean, the feeling is so full-on that it’s other-worldly at times.
Dr. Joe’s meditations are, frankly, a bit weird. His voice is intentionally robotic, it sometimes echoes, and he dramatizes certain words to a bizarre degree. But there’s a method to his madness — he tests all kinds of approaches with thousands of people hooked up to electroencephalograms (EEGs) and determines what actually works best. I quickly got used to it. Once you’ve heard his style a few times, you don’t even think about it.
The music is awesome though. I feel like I’m meditating straight into The Matrix or something. His meditations are friggin’ cinematic and I feel sh*t shifting in real-time. It’s powerful.
The Basics
Dr. Joe guides you through each of his meditations following some variation of his basic formula. First, he goes through a process to relax you, get you into what’s called “open focus,” and then he takes you through a meditation that either helps you reprogram your mind to remove the bad things, or helps you work on attracting the good stuff that becomes your legendary life.
He Knows What He’s Doing
Dr. Joe has been studying people’s brainwaves and their responses to his meditations for years. He knows what he’s doing and he gets phenomenal results. At his retreats, he’s said that many people have had profound transformations, including even people healing from serious ailments such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, food sensitivities, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, genetic disorders, cancers, and more. In only one week, some people experience a compete reversal of their condition.
Later on, in my Happy Sexy Millionaire plan, I’ll be writing more about his meditations, with details about the different ones he offers and how I apply them. For now, I want to share a few things about why I like them and how they’ve differed for me from the kinds of meditating I used to do before finding his work.
(In this earlier blog post, I shared links to the meditations I bought to start with: You Are The Placebo and Morning/Evening Meditations.)
Life-Changing Benefits of Meditating
While the following information about the life-changing benefits applies to pretty much all popular forms of meditation, it’s Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations that made the biggest difference for me. They’re really quite different than anything else I’ve used. They use some of the same techniques here and there, but then he takes it to a whole new level. It’s his work alone that showed me I could manifest my reality as a Happy Sexy Millionaire. He inspired my new life.
Meditating Is Powerful
Whether getting results in a single session (it happens!) or accumulating and amplifying the results over time, meditation works in many, many profound ways.
Cancer Healing
For starters, there are epigenetic changes that happen when you meditate. (This refers to the signaling of your genes to turn on and off.) Did you know that meditation regulates cancer genes, turning genes on for repair and eliminating cancer cells?
Meditation also reduces the stress hormone cortisol significantly, which frees up your body’s resources to heal and boosts your immune system.
Additionally, when theta brain waves are produced during meditation, rapid healing can take place.
Living for Longevity – Telomeres and Stem Cells
Meditating for up to three months can grow your telomeres (the caps on the end of your genes that determine how many times they will make copies of themselves). This is believed to be a significant factor in determining an organism’s lifespan. Meditation also makes your body create more stem cells. Plus, it can increase antioxidant activity, repair DNA, and increase the production of serotonin.
Regulating Emotions – A Massive Game-Changer
Get this: Meditating changes the size of certain brain structures(!) within only two months. The part of your brain that regulates emotion grows in size as the volume of nerve cells increase. It’s like exercise that builds a muscle, except instead of muscle, it’s your freakin’ brain!
Why Should You Care?
Because regulating emotions means a better dance with any situation you encounter in life. When people piss you off or freak you out, you respond calmly and cooly.
When someone cuts you off in traffic, you don’t spew curses. When you accidentally drop a dozen eggs, you shrug it off. When you misplace your keys, you may actually giggle.
This means fewer limited emotions and bouncing back from incidents that could create stress. Therefore, getting back into your elevated emotion ASAP and helping you manifest your dream life. To say nothing of dealing with bigger problems such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, unwanted thoughts, etc. Meditation makes you better at dealing with all of it.
So, yeah, meditating is vital to my Happy Sexy Millionaire life.
Finally, Let’s Talk Quantum Magic-y Stuff
Woo warning… just hear me out.
There’s something intriguing and exciting about “the quantum” and its relationship to manifesting my desires.
The “quantum,” as Dr. Joe uses the term, is a kind of mysterious metaphysical realm where all possible futures exist. He believes that we have the ability to manifest which of those possible futures we end up experiencing. Or at least, to dramatically improve the odds.
To be clear… I don’t fully understand it. Does anyone really?

But just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore it! I don’t need to know how it works to put it to use. There’s some fascinating ideas there. Talking about the quantum model with respect to designing my destiny adds a spicy flavor of awe and unknown to the equation with a dash of sweet excitement from the “What The Fuck IF?!” (WTFI) factor.
At a minimum, I imagine the quantum is like a helper of sorts. And, I’m not one to turn down help, especially if it helps me be a Happy Sexy Millionaire. It’s kind of like taking certain supplements. I can’t always feel them working directly right away, but I know they’re working. For now, I’m happy to be the science for me. N=1.
When I started my transformation in 2018, it was the first time, in a long time, since I’d heard about quantum and attracting my life to me. The first time I heard it was in the movie “What the Bleep (Do We Know)?” It didn’t make much sense to me back then either.
Quantum Curiosity
However, while reading Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Becoming Supernatural, the quantum model came back into my life.
As I read his book, I wanted to share what I was learning with Greg, but I didn’t even really know where to begin. Manifesting via the quantum model wasn’t the easiest to wrap my mind around, but it’s so darn interesting I couldn’t ignore it. So, I have an exciting curiosity about the quantum as it pertains to attracting my Happy Sexy Millionaire life.
What I learned from following Dr. Joe’s work is that the quantum model means that all potentials for your life (an infinite number of them) exist in the present moment in the quantum.
For me, that means my Happy Sexy Millionaire life. (In fact, there are infinite variations of my Happy Sexy Millionaire life!) For you, that might mean a loving relationship. For another, it might mean healing her body. These potentials are out there in waves, kind of just waving around. Floating, as I imagine it. There are so many options, pick and choose. Fun, right? Like, I mean, kid-in-candy-store level of excitement.
When I think of something specific, like my Happy Sexy Millionaire option, I “see” it in my mind. In other words, I recognize it, acknowledge it, observe it. When this happens, there’s a collapse of the waves (called the Observer Effect, cuz, I’m the Observer).
This collapses the possibilities into a probability – the one I selected and observed. Pretty cool! So, it’s kind of like a baby step in the right direction. My life has a direction, and I’m defining what I want for my life.
Now. The next step is changing our internal state before the event happens, in a way that convinces your body that the event has already happened!
In other words, I see my Happy Sexy Life in my mind (a thought or vision) and — this is important — I also feel love and awe and gratitude for it as I imagine my life is it already (elevated emotions). When I combine my clear intention (thought: Happy Sexy Millionaire) with my elevated emotion (love, awe, etc.), then I’m telling the quantum what I want… placing an order with destiny.
Spaceship Time
Accordingly, this mind/body tandem sends out little signals (bzzzzzt) to the quantum field where those infinite possibilities exist. When I tune in to that potential energy and there’s a resonance (vibrational match) between my electromagnetic signature with the potential that already exists in the field, my brain creates a new stream of consciousness. And, it’s time for blast-off. When this happens, we begin to live in that future reality, and I’m drawing it to me.
Luminous beings we are… not this crude matter.
Let’s Dance
To me, the collapse of the wave is when my dance with the universe starts.
Once I collapse the possibility wave into a probability, by imagining a rad possibility for my life, I have it as, well, an option. Notice the word is “probability” or “potential” so it doesn’t necessarily mean that it just automatically happens. I’m not expecting a bag of $1,000,000 delivered to my front door. Though, who knows? Hehe, I’m open to anything.
Science is now showing us objectively what mystics have known subjectively, that mystical experience produces common and predictable patterns in the brain.
Dawson Church from his book, Mind to Matter
Is any of this true?
Is it pure horseshit?
I’m not sure I even care. While there are people who scoff at the quantum model, there are plenty of really smart people diving deep into the topic. I remain optimistically open-minded. I mean, it’s way more fun, right?
We knew aspirin helped pain a 100 years before we understood how it did it. Scientists will be the first to tell you that we have not figured everything out yet. I mean, vitamin B12 was only successfully isolated in 1948. And what the hell is dark matter!?
So, just because we don’t know all of the details, now, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or that we won’t know in the future. Meanwhile, I’m sure-as-shit not going to ignore the possibility. Bring it on, quantum!
I think the fact is that our science and medicine are completely dominated by a materialistic paradigm that says all that is real is that which is physical that which can be touched and measured, and that if you observe a change in a physical system that the cause has to be physical. Nonphysical causation of physical events is not allowed for in the materialistic scientific paradigm.
Dr. Weil on Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey
Doors to Dimensions
My Happy Sexy Millionaire life is out there, floating around, making its way to me. Some people say the door to that dimension is opened and I can walk through it.
So How Do I Do It?
Well, that’s when I start attracting it to me. That’s when all the fun takes place: thinking about this probability in my life, feeling great about it, and attracting it to me.
Mind you, I’m not doing this passively while just sitting on the couch. Though, I admit I sort-of tried that for a few months (more on that in another post).
The Formula
Understanding what I wrote above, here’s how it goes.
I have this picture for my life in my mind: Kristen is a Happy Sexy Millionaire. I meditate on it with Dr. Joe’s meditations and he expertly guides me through the process.
Then, for the rest of the day when I’m off the couch (i.e., when I’m not meditating), I think about it (Happy Sexy Millionaire life), and I feeeeeeeel great energy and emotions about it. I guard against repelling negative emotions, too, since those would push my future reality away from me.
And, I Start Moving.
What does it mean that I’m moving?
Well, I make choices that help me line up with my Happy Sexy Millionaire future. I make it easy to find me and connect. Maybe I make a phone call or read a book or create something, anything. I take a walk, I look people in the eye, I say “hi” to strangers and open up communication. I ask for help. I journal. I dance. I travel. I live with an open mind.
But here’s the thing.
Here’s where it gets a bit magical.
On my adventure to becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire, as I’m “moving,” the universe conspires to help me in so many ways. It’s like a friggin’ magic carpet ride. Opportunities suddenly “appear” out of the blue. Connections are made from seemingly nowhere(!), ideas are birthed, and creativity is unleashed.
All of the sudden, I’m in a swirl of Happy Sexy Millionaire energy that is mixing and stirring and creating such that, BAM, I’m moving in that direction. It’s coming toward me and I’m moving toward it. Inevitable.
I say magic, but there’s also just some good old-fashioned logic behind the scenes, too.
Before we get to that though.
The Bottom Line For Me: You Just Never Know!
This way of living and manifesting doesn’t follow ordinary time the way we typically think of it.
In other words, linear time doesn’t have to be the rule. Rather, it’s possible that I can actually become a Happy Sexy Millionaire by a process whereby I go from point A to B and then straight to Z without bothering with C to Y. It’s possible. It has happened for many people!
I know, for damn sure, I’ll keep my mind and heart open to the possibility because the very act of nay-saying, well, that just makes it all go dark and die. That would be sad. And suck. There’s no glitter in that realm.
Meanwhile, I keep moving.
I keep loving. I keep feeling unlimited. I keep helping others. I do whatever it takes to maintain my elevated spirits and emotions, because that’s the pixie-dust fueling the magic that draws my dreamy destiny to me.
When I’m creating coherence with my heart and brain this way (elevated thinking brain – plus elevated feelings in my heart) I create my reality. Heck, it’s already manifesting – it’s already happening!
The energy buzzes and attracts. With my open mind, I make new connections and see new possibilities. Maybe the money shows up at my door in a gold box with a pink bow or from a lotto ticket or maybe it shows up with some amazing business opportunity brilliantly fitting my lifestyle perfectly, knowing it could only have been designed from the Universe.
Taking Action – “Moving”
Action is required on the human’s part… your part, my part. But I don’t have to always know the right steps to take. Strategy plays a role, but not as significant a role as I used to believe — which is extremely comforting and empowering. It leaves room for exploration, experimentation. It’s a much more flexible approach. My plan can be bendy.
It almost doesn’t matter what exact steps I take on any given day, so long as I keep moving and trying things. All the while — most importantly — maintaining elevated emotions and a clear picture of my intentions. The path reveals itself as I move forward on it. Every day is a glorious new adventure!
This Action Takes You Next Level
When you’re an active participant in the dance, you immediately acquire a sense of accomplishment.
You know how having your kid help you cook dinner or pick out the recipe makes them like the food more? The same works for grown-ups… you end up loving your outcome because YOU did it, with intentionality. It inspires and motivates. You’re creating with everything you do from visualizing in your mind, recognizing it’s out there and observing it, to dancing with the universe and taking actions, being open minded, and welcoming all the unpredictable details it as it unfolds before your eyes.
The Awesome Process
It will feel like magic.
When you manifest with your elevated emotions, your whole view of the world changes. The blinders come off. Unique possibilities you weren’t previously aware of suddenly appear before you. You do a double take, almost in disbelief, but it starts to happen so much, it becomes your new norm and you’re transformed. You start to have faith in the process, which further frees your mind from self-doubt and fear-based emotions. Success begets further, bolder intentions, in an always upward spiral.
Selective Attention
The truth is that some of the opportunities were always there, but your selective attention meant you filtered them out, based on your current state. If you didn’t feel worthy, then you wore blinders and couldn’t see all of your choices for love or money.
For example, if you don’t feel lovable, then you won’t see the love staring you in the face! Right there! Or maybe you saw the opportunities, but didn’t feel worthy of them, so you didn’t seize them. The result? Your life stands still. (We’ll work on worthiness in the next post!)
I’m now dreaming with my eyes wide open, ready to welcome the help and pounce on the opportunities glowing all around me, shining brightly.
Watch this video right now.
Listen to the lyrics and read along on the screen.
Finding Four Leaf Clovers
Here’s another way to look at it told by Dr. Weil on Bulletproof Radio.
On finding four leaf clovers … I met a woman once who would bet you money that from the time you said ‘go’ that within a minute she’d find a four leaf clover. And she always won. And so in thinking about this, the four leaf clovers are always there.
The problem is being able to see them… there are two aspects to seeing. There’s what goes into the eye but then there’s whether the brain can recognize the pattern. And if you don’t have the key in place to recognize the pattern you can be looking right at something and not see it. So that’s the case with four leaf clovers. And I found that I was able develop the power to find four leaf clovers.
He started doing the same as a mushroom hunter. He would go out with other people and they’d see the mushrooms right away, but he just couldn’t. It frustrated him, but after a period of time he was able to see it.
If I was in the physical presence of somebody who was seeing them I could see them, but if I got too far away from them I stopped seeing them. Now, that’s really interesting that there’s some shared thing. But the essential thing is you have to have the key in place to recognize the pattern. So when people tell you about experiences they have that aren’t in your experience whether it’s telepathy, or precognition, I’m willing to at least listen to that. And maybe I don’t have the key in place to recognize that, but I think there’s probably a lot more out there than we’re aware of.
Dr Weil on Bulletproof Radio
The Powerful Proof with Testimonials
And, then, there are the fascinating stories you hear. Testimonials. See how other people are designing their own destinies by changing how they think and feel. Explore the possibilities of attracting into your life everything you want by seeing that other people are already doing this very thing.
It’s like in 1954 when Roger Bannister was the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. At the time, no one believed it could be done. But, Roger believed he could do it. He saw it in his mind and then he did it. The second person to accomplish this did so just 46 days later. And then many others. All they had needed was belief that it was possible.
Once an idea registers in the brain as a possibility, it becomes a reference point. This changes your mind, your body, your action, and your world.
That’s why Dr. Joe is always featuring testimonials of the possibilities available, when you do the work and dance the dance. He repeatedly says he loves putting people on stage (and his YouTube channel) to demonstrate how real, ordinary people are having profound changes, life experiences, and amazing healings. I aim to be one of those people. ;)
Now It’s Your Turn
Are you living your dream life yet?
If not, are you currently taking the necessary steps to manifest it?
What do you mentally rehearse all day long? What do you say to yourself? Do you have behaviors that just don’t feel right, and you want to find a more uplifting way to live? Are you fulfilling your potential?
In my next post (#5 in my Happy Sexy Millionaire series), I’ll tell you the first step in becoming your own Happy Sexy Millionaire. Stay tuned!
Next up:
Post 5: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 1: Loving Yourself
The Happy Sexy Millionaire Series
Post 1: I’ve Decided to Become a Millionaire
Post 2: How I Started My Life Change to Become a Happy Sexy Millionaire
Post 3: Why Write About Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire?
Post 4: Science Behind the Magic of Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire (You are here now)
Post 5: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 1: Loving Yourself
Post 6: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 2: Law of Attraction Meditations
Post 7: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 3: Off-the-Couch Daily Living Immersion