Your Legendary Life Is Here for the Taking! It’s Yours!
It’s time to get practical. How do I maintain my bliss-as-f*ck feeling all day long?
I’ve got tools.
“Yeah, Kristen, it’s easy feeling good when I’m doing Self-Talk Mirror Magic — it’s just me and the mirror. I feel great meditating because it’s just me and my mind. What about the rest of time, like living life and dealing with people??? How do I maintain my high-vibe all day long?”
I get it. We want tools and tips for keeping the bliss-buzzzzzzzzz going all day — when we’re “off the couch.” That’s a tricky part!
And, THAT is where people struggle the most.
It’s all fine and dandy when you’re meditating, right? That’s the easy part. So long as you can get your ass to the couch and meditate, it’s awesome. But, once you’re off the couch, how do you keep that bliss-state going?
If you get up from your meditation in an elevated state and you can maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day, you better get ready because something unusual is going to happen in your world.
Dr. Joe Dispenza
It can be easy to fall into old habits and behaviors when going through your normal life, reading emails, dealing with coworkers or being a parent, for example. There are many opportunities to “forget” that you’re meant to be shiny and happy.
It happens to all of us. But with the tips and tricks outlined below, you’ll stay in your amaze-balls state way more often than not. Remember that each time you behave and feel in a way that’s in alignment with your epic future life, you’re setting up your brain to fire and wire so that you actually think, act, and feel like the person you’re destined to be.
The life you know is yours for the taking.
Off-the-Couch Immersion
Today, I’m talking about the importance of “off-the-couch” immersion so you can have your version of a Happy Sexy Millionaire life, too.
My Typical Amazing All-Day-Happy
Almost every day, I explode with joy that either makes me jump with exuberance, skip like a kid, or maybe even get tearful because I’m overwhelmed with bliss and gratitude. It’s an incredible place to live from, and I want everyone to tap into this.
When you follow the steps as I do (Step 1 self-love, Step 2 Law of Attraction meditation, and “off-the-couch” immersion you’ll learn about today), your life will change. Big time.
You act differently, your aspirations change, and you see life with bright, new eyes. You find new possibilities. And possibilities find you.
But, how many of us slip into distraction once we get up from our meditation? A lot of us. So there is one thing you need to do to maintain your bliss when you’re off the couch.
You want immersion.
Immersion like a strawberry immersed in chocolate, and that delicious chocolate coating covers it from then on.

Your goal is to have regular actions in your life to prevent you from going unconscious.
Your All-Day Happiness Drip
By creating small habits, like the ones I’ll be sharing today, you’ll experience a larger scope of happiness all day. You’ll have a regular drip of elevated emotions and mental coherence coursing through you on a regular basis.
These things become habits that might only take a few minutes to tap into throughout the day, but the lasting effects can be hours. That’s what we’re after.
When you have good habits like these in place, you won’t waste time with distractions. So often, it isn’t that people are unmotivated, but that they’re just distracted. By immersing yourself with these various techniques, you dramatically reduce the opportunity for distraction to creep in and steal your day away from you.
When you meditate in the morning, setting up your day for success, you want to maintain that elevated joy for the rest of the day. You’ll find yourself so in love with your life that things like complaining or worrying become uncomfortable, because it’s not good juice for your new life, and it feels weird… even foreign to you.
The key is to lodge these concepts in your brain, stuck in your head like an earworm — you know, a song that plays over and over in your mind. The goal is to have these ideas, concepts, and actions always humming in the background of your mind, ready to tap into whenever you might get distressed, distracted, or even just bored. We want the involuntary reaction to be so immediate so that we have one of these tips or ideas always ready and available.
So, What Does This Really Mean?
It means that when you create these habits and you change your brain, this new amazing life becomes your default mode of thinking and feeling. It’s your new comfort zone — and that’s an incredible place to be.
Then, when something happens that is, say, negative, the negative thing hits you in a weird, unfamiliar or even goofy way. In other words, you immediately notice it, because it’s not your new norm. You don’t passively allow sh*t into your life. Stuff that drags other people down (or might have dragged down the previous version of you) will just slide off. It no longer affects you or prevents you from manifesting your dreams!
When this happens, because you’re paying attention, you mobilize to make improvements — in real time. This constant presence and ability to make improvements in real time not only makes you stronger mentally, but it also strengthens your elevated energetic vibration. This helps you manifest your dreams super fast!
It also creates an environment of continuous healing, by maintaining a boosted, strong immune system. It makes you feel happy — consistently. And, who doesn’t want a constant drip of happiness?
The bottom line is that crazy-cool things start to happen when you give positive, uplifting energy to your dreams. So start now! Give yourself permission to live an epic life. It’s time to step into who you are meant to be, because you’re destined for greatness.
How Do We Do This?
The secret you’ll discover here is how to keep the feeling going all day long. That takes a little bit of work, and it’s fun stuff, but know that manifesting is easy! It’s all about your mindset and setting yourself up for success.
You could skip this immersion step, and just stick with the self-love and meditations, because it’s true that over time, like Dr. Joe says, our brains and bodies actually change from our meditations, as we fire and wire our brains for change.
But we can make it happen much faster on the accelerated program. I’m in the fast lane to manifesting, and you can join me.
The fast lane = immersion. Come fly with me!
Immersion — The Key to Manifesting Quickly & Happily
Everyone knows that the best way to learn a foreign language is with immersion. Which means being surrounded by it all day. For most people, this means moving to the country where they’re trying to learn the language. Another example is when kids are in a school where they only speak Spanish, for example, in order to learn Spanish. At such schools, speaking the native language (say, English) is strictly forbidden, even during recess.
No wonder then, the students learn Spanish fast! Why? Because they’re focused on it 100%.
I totally understand this now, because it’s how I’m learning Italian. By living in Italy, I pick up the language faster because it’s everywhere I turn. I’m immersed in it. In contrast, when I leave Italy, my language acquisition quickly drops off, despite my best efforts to keep studying.
It’s the same with living this amazing new life… it takes immersing yourself in positivity-focused actions. Otherwise, you get distracted and the whole process slows. We don’t want that.
I’m really fired up to be a Happy Sexy Millionaire, and I want it as fast as I can have it. That means immersing myself in cool little habits, all through the day, to set myself up for success and manifestation.
And, besides, it feeeeeels great! Doing these things keep me focused and feeling incredible because I’m constantly tapping into my epic life.
I have a handful of suggestions for you below. You don’t have to do them all — just try a couple and see which ones resonate. My mom always said to me growing up, “Kristen, if you throw enough shit at the wall, something will stick.” Same idea here. Try some and see how they work. Try more and see if you have a better experience. This stuff works and you want to find the things you like the most so that it’s easier to keep the habit going.
Off-the-Couch Immersion Happiness Drips
Happiness Drip #1. Self-Talk Mirror Magic
If you’ve read this sequence of Happy Sexy Millionaire posts from the beginning, you know the importance of self-love in making your dreams come true. Well, Self-Talk Mirror Magic is a no-brainer happiness drip technique — and easy one, too — and a reinforcement throughout the day of what we’re already doing every morning in the mirror.
Using your reflection every chance you get is a simple way to feel really good and elevate your emotions multiple times per day. It’s simple: Every time you see your reflection in your phone, the TV, a window you pass by, or going to the bathroom, just say to yourself “I love you!” You’ll get a drip of happiness every time. (If you’ve not tried this yet, it might feel weird at first. For details, read the full post on this technique.)
Here’s a tip to ensure you don’t forget to do this. Use a dry-erase marker and write yourself a note on your mirror. Write anything like…
I love you.
I am worthy.
You look great today.
We are having a wonderful day.
Then, put a little sticky note near your rear-view mirror in your car. Put another on your TV. It won’t take long before this becomes a habit and this habit jolts you with happiness and feel good feelings regularly throughout the day.
Happiness Drip #2. Coffee Self-Talk
Coffee Self-Talk is a program I designed for myself that I do every morning while drinking my cup of coffee. In my book, Coffee Self-Talk (to be published March, 2020), I detail every little amazing thing about it, but for our happiness drip purposes here today, here’s the gist of it.

Coffee Self-Talk is an empowering program that takes only five minutes per day. It helps you transform your life by boosting your self-esteem (and generating happiness!). And, very importantly, it creates feelings of wholeness and worthiness…. essential for attracting success.
I do Coffee Self-Talk every day, virtually without fail, because it inspires me and directs my actions in the direction of my Happy Sexy Millionaire manifestations.
All this, with your next cup of coffee.
Make yourself a cup of coffee every day (or tea or water, whatever is your thing), and while you sit down to drink it, spend the time savoring the coffee while filling your brain with powerful affirmations (words you say to yourself). For the best results, speak the words out loud. These words immediately create feelings of confidence, well-being, and all around awesomeness.
These thoughts and feelings prime your brain and body for major success that very day and the days that follow. You’ll find that you start making better choices, feel better emotionally, and love your life more. High self-esteem, here we come!

Why Coffee? Consistency — It’s not like you’re ever going to forget your morning coffee. Ninety percent of success in life is just sticking with something long enough for it to work. Also, coffee allows you to link your affirmations with the multiple sensory modalities that get triggered while drinking your cup of warm, delicious coffee. These, in turn, make your brain re-wire itself faster. And finally, coffee is effing delicious.
As I mentioned, I wrote a whole book about this technique that teaches how to do it and provides a bunch of examples of what to say. Here’s the short version: Write down 15 affirmations that spark joy for you about your life and your dreams. Feel free to include quotes from books or lyrics from songs that inspire you, too.
Then, sit down with your coffee every morning and read through your affirmations, feeling the joy from them, with each sip of coffee. In the time it takes you to drink your coffee, you’ll feel fantastic and you’ll have set up your day for super-star success.
Every morning of mine includes three things: I wake up and 1) do my Self-Talk Mirror Magic, then I 2) have my coffee and do my Coffee Self-Talk, and then I follow it all up with 3) my first meditation of the day. When pressed, I can have all three of these done in an hour.
Is it worth it? Absolutely!… It’s an hour that makes every hour after that better and I’m much more effective in everything I do. It’s totally worth it. It’s helping me manifest my dreams faster and it also just makes me so friggin’ happy.
I wouldn’t trade that in for anything.
Happiness Drip #3. Reading Books and Blogs
Choosing what information you consume is very important because these inputs program your brain — specifically, your beliefs and attitudes. In aggregate, these have a profound effect on you. So choose what you read carefully. Reading the right books and blogs is a great way to get inspired!
Schedule 15 minutes once a day to read something that uplifts you, teaches you, or inspires you. You can do this at a break during work (instead of getting on Facebook) or you can do it for 15 minutes before going to bed.
Some of my favorite books are by Anita Moorjani, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and there are tons of others. I’m always adding more goodness to my brain and body by reading from inspired authors. It’s a great fat drip of happiness because you’ll be reading about others who successfully live(d) the life, and you’ll discover ideas for your own life.
Happiness Drip #4. Watching Testimonials, Interviews, Podcasts
There’s a rule that we become like the five people we spend the most time with. So who are you hanging around with the most? For some of us, that isn’t supporting our dreams and Happy Sexy Millionaire manifesting. Know what I mean?? But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Traveling the world for the past couple of years, we moved around a lot and so we didn’t have a core community of friends. That didn’t mean I couldn’t surround myself with great like-minded people though.
I chose to surround myself with inspiring people online and regularly watched testimonials of people doing what I’m doing (Dr. Joe’s Youtube channel has tons). I also watch Youtube channels with smart people kicking ass in life like Tom Bilyeu, Jim Kwik, Dr. Joe Dispenza, etc.
Watching their interviews pumps me up! They became my community.
I chose to surround myself with inspiring people online and regularly watched testimonials of people doing what I’m doing (Dr. Joe’s Youtube channel has tons). I also watch Youtube channels with smart people kicking ass in life like Tom Bilyeu, Jim Kwik, Dr. Joe Dispenza, etc. Watching their interviews pumps me up. They became my community.
This keeps me uplifted and strong. Again, it becomes proof of others doing amazing things and it means that I can do it, too!
Happiness Drip #5. Instagram Happiness Inspiration
I’m not usually a fan of social media because it’s often a toxic sludge pit. And, used incorrectly, it can be a distraction, used to delve into other people’s lives instead of living my own. It becomes a source of comparison-itis.
However, I now have a fantastic way to use social media (Twitter and Instagram) that drips happiness into my life every time I use the apps this way.
Here’s what I did. I created separate accounts that I think of as my Happy Sexy Millionaire Manifesting accounts. In these Instagram and Twitter accounts, I follow only people that fill my cup. THAT’S IT! It’s not a place for following my friends or coworkers… or even family! It’s not where I update others on my life.
Rather, it’s where I tap into happiness with each tweet or Instagram picture I see on the feed. It’s potent, especially with Instagram, where the continuous scroll is filled with positivity images and quotes. It’s like drinking from a cup of happiness.
Using Instagram or Twitter in this way every day is a great way to remind yourself of the epic life you’re living, elevate your emotions, and get inspired by all of the other like-minded people out there.
Happiness Drip #6. Community
This one is tricky until you meet others on the same path. A lot of people don’t get it — this kind of inspirational stuff — but you can get them interested by being a shining example.
It’s even better if you can find some people to share your dreams with and to support them too, then it becomes a teaching and learning opportunity. Doing this continues the happiness drip and keeps the elevated emotions alive, front and center. One way to find others like you is looking on Meetup.com for groups about manifesting or “law of attraction” and join them. How fun!
For me, I have a couple of good girlfriends who love all of this stuff too, and of course, my husband and daughter.
Happiness Drip #7. Brain Manifesting Mantras
This is another thing I invented for myself, and it really deserves its own blog post, but it is a tool I use daily so I want to include it here.
My Brain Manifesting Mantras technique is powerful, and I know I keep saying each of these drips is powerful, but each of them is powerful. Doing just one thing will make a difference, do them all and — whoah — look out because life is going to change fast!
Brain Manifesting Mantras is a form of self-talk, and it simply means I’m creating a blueprint for my brain and body to follow. Directions that tell brain what to do (or make) based on what I’m saying.
You see, when you say things to yourself (in your mind or out loud), your brain is listening! Always listening like a “fly on the wall.” Every word and thought.
And, guess what?
It totally wants to please you! Whatever you say (or think), it actually takes as a command. In other words, what you say and think creates a blueprint for your brain to follow — like instructions for your body and life. Your brain listens to whatever you say. This is powerful information to know.
Even more interesting is that your brain doesn’t care if it’s the truth or a lie… your brain doesn’t know the f*cking difference, and it will listen to whatever you say — good or bad, true or false! It will take the orders and start setting your body up for that result. Sometimes these things can take longer to happen, but happen they do.
And so this is where your self-talk is vitally important.
Brain Manifesting Mantras is a specific way that I use my self-talk. It’s a way I say affirmations in a trance-like repetitive fashion. Like a mantra. I’m directing my brain and that baby listens.
I came up with Brain Manifesting Mantras one day when I was working out in the gym, and I was lifting weights. Always looking for opportunities to create good directions for my brain to follow, I thought I’d take advantage of the time while doing reps with weights to affirm my greatness. :)

But. I say these things in a particular way.
I take various short, positive, affirmative sentences, and I combine them in fun ways to make them more punchy and effective.
For example, instead of repeating with each strength training rep “I’m a millionaire. I’m a millionaire. I’m a great person. I’m a great person. I’m worthy. I’m worthy. I’m healthy, I’m healthy.” I take two to three of the ideas and combine them into one punchy one.
Like this… “I’m a great healthy millionaire.”
Cool, huh? (I leave commas out for less mental clutter, but if your inner editor is twitching, feel free to write these as “I’m a great, healthy millionaire” in the examples given here.)
One day, instead of saying “I’m Happy” a bunch of times, followed by “I’m Sexy” a bunch of times, and “I’m a Millionaire” a bunch of times, cuz that’s pretty boring, I said to myself, “I’m a Happy Sexy Millionaire.”
And it was like BAM!
I had a burst of feeling sizzle right through me. A jolt of excitement. I was like, Ooooh, I like this. (And that is how I named the blog you’re reading right now.)

In the beginning of making my Brain Manifesting Mantras (I make many and every day) they almost seemed other-worldly. Like, who is this talking? Sometimes it felt weird and even fake. But I knew that was simply part of the process.
Turns out I was right. I actually started believing what I was saying! What I was thinking! One day I told myself so many times that I was a fantastic prolific writer that I went home from the gym full of confidence and wrote one of my best pieces.
It’s real change and it feels real. I’m convinced it works.
But there’s more to why this works so well.
The very act of taking these different affirmations and combining them ALSO creates an interesting image in your head — a memorable one. You see, our heads like images, and it became something that I not only enjoy saying and hearing, but that I also enjoy seeing in my mind.
When I thought and lip synced “I’m a happy sexy millionaire”while lifting weights, I had a much different picture than just “I’m happy.” The image in my mind came of me smiling, wearing a big sexy hat and sunglasses with my makeup on point, stepping into a limo. Now, that’s a memorable image that evokes more emotion.
Here are more examples…
I’m a confident funny genius.
I’m a funny lovable mom.
I’m a sexy strong creator.
I’m a smart lovable millionaire.
I’m a generous intuitive millionaire.
I’m a generous happy millionaire
I’m a patient funny mom.
I’m a confident millionaire
I’m an intuitive manifester.
I’m an intuitive writer.
I’m a sexy intuitive writer.
I’m a healthy creative genius.
I’m a fit prolific writer. (Isn’t that a more interesting image in your mind than just I’m a prolific writer or I’m fit?)
Notice how these kind of hit your brain a little sideways? I mean, “sexy” and “writer” aren’t words that usually go together. I find that swarming myself with positive words in this free-form way is a kind of mental hack that makes me accept them more readily.
Remember: The three keys are that 1) I’m being repetitive with the words like a mantra, 2) I’m creating a instructions for my brain to follow, and 3) I’m also creating a unique picture for my brain with that blueprint because I’m combining words in unusual ways, which automatically makes it memorable and evokes uplifted and exciting feelings.
That is how my Brain Manifesting Mantras began!
When I exercise at the gym, it’s an opportunity to do this, which feels amazing. And it’s really fun as I combine different positive affirmations.
But I don’t only do it while I’m working out.
I love it so much that I use it anytime I get the chance. For example when I am jogging or walking, I say these things in sync with my steps — repetitive, mantra-like and it makes the whole activity sort of meditative. I also do it while I’m washing the dishes, or laundry, or making coffee, or cooking dinner.
Try it. Come up with three Brain Manifesting Mantras made up of 2 to 3 descriptive words that you want to describe yourself in your new life.
Maybe you’re seeking healing or health, you could try:
I’m an intuitive energetic person.
I’m a vibrant sexy woman/man.
I’m a supple lithe leopard.
I have a lovely strong heart.
My hips are flexible fun and playful.
I’m a dancing bouncing chick/dude!
My health shimmers shines and energizes.
I’m filled with light energy and brightness.
I’m an energetic swirling soul.
Happiness Drip #8. Meditation Background Sound
Here’s another powerful way to keep your focus on manifesting awesomeness when you’re not on the couch. I play Dr. Joe’s meditations in the background while I’m not meditating.
I let them play while I’m getting ready in the morning, writing, doing dishes or laundry, things like that. I don’t listen to every line he says, but I’ll catch one now and then and I’m like, “Whoah” — I was just mindlessly going about my day and that statement I just heard from Dr. Joe brought be back.
It’s in these times that I realize how easy it is for us to get distracted during times we could totally be tapping into manifesting mojo, so our dreams become reality sooner than later.
It’s really cool… I don’t have to pay attention to everything he’s saying — it still seeps into my subconscious like hypnosis, just by having them play in the background.
Happiness Drip #9. Sticky Love Notes
This is a no-brainer, easy, and everyone needs to do this.
Get some sticky notes and colored pens (and stickers, if you want extra credit… the more bling, the better!). Write little notes reminding yourself about the epic life you live. Then, you stick them in different places around the house and car, on your laptop, mirror, refrigerator, etc. I have even been known to hide a note inside one of my shoes, forget about it, and surprise myself later when I find it. It’s like the Manifestation Fairy left me a secret message in my shoe!
Here’s the key though — you’ve gotta change out the notes, or move them around once a week, so you don’t start tuning them out and stop reading them. Therefore, on my calender, every Sunday I have an alert to either make new notes or move them around, or both.
Here are the Sticky Love Notes in my house now.
I am amazing.
Only good lies before me.
I love my closet and the clothes in it.
I bless my laptop with love. It brings me money every day.
Everything is perfect.
I feel fabulous.
I am grateful for my health.
I love my life and life loves me.
I am worthy of everything I want.
You look amaze-balls, darling!

Happiness Drip #10. Bedtime Advantage
Every night, I take advantage of the fact that I’m about to enter into 8 hours of subconsciousness. What you think about before you go to sleep is one of the most important things you can do to change your life.
Every night, I take advantage of the fact that I’m about to enter into 8 hours of subconsciousness. What you think about before you go to sleep is one of the most important things you can do to change your life.
You’re about to spend up to 8 hours with your subconscious… so make it good.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
As your head touches the pillow, you want to prime your subconscious for the night to come. Set it up for success with great thoughts, but not too many, or you’ll be too excited to fall asleep! Choose simply and choose wisely. As you keep it simple, it’s more trance-like while you’re saying it and it rocks your subconscious to sleep.
I often opt for something like “I’m worthy, I’m worthy, I’m worthy” and it goes on repeat for a minute or so, as I drift off to sleep. I just say it slowly. I start by lip syncing it and then slowly transition it to just passing through my mind. Sometimes I change it to “Money loves me. Money loves me. Money loves me.”
Here’s another great one, for boosting health: “I’m whole, I’m whole, I’m whole” or “I’m Healthy, I’m Healthy, I’m Healthy.”
You could choose to work on something like patience or love… “I’m patient, I’m patient, I’m patient” or “I’m love, I’m love, I’m love.”
One of my favorites is also “I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.” Damn — that’s a good one, it makes me feel like all is great in my life not matter what the conditions.
It feels so good falling asleep to words like these.
Happiness Drip #11. Light Journaling
I always keep a journal, but I don’t feel obligated to write in it every day. I do, however, start each new journal I buy with a list of my goals and very specific details for how I want each goal to really look. Writing is magic because it makes connections in the brain that merely thinking (or even typing) don’t seem to make.

For example, in my current goals, I’ve detailed specifically what being a Happy Sexy Millionaire will look like for me, from the way my future home will look to the supplements I’ll take, to the money I’ll put into savings, to the amount I’ll carry with me to hand to people in need on the street, to the technology I’ll have, etc. So, each new journal has this list and I refresh my mind by reading it every few days.
The other purpose of the journal is to have a place where I can write repetitively about things I am doing or the new person I’m becoming. Writing these things over and over, by hand, imprints it stronger into my brain. For example, on one day I might write ten times “I’m in love with my life.” Or “I have the hormones of a 20 year old.”
I also use the journal to jot down quotes, lines from books, and other inspirations and things I want to revisit. Then, all I have to do at any time is to open it up to any random page for a quick pick-me-up-happiness-drip.
My journal is also where I like to write things I’m feeling grateful about in various moments. Again, writing it out by hand takes it to the next level. I don’t write in it every day, but it’s always there, always filled with goodness, waiting to be explored and waiting to have more yummy things added.
Happiness Drip #12. Music
I can’t write a post about tricks to feeling good and raising your vibe without talking about music. I mean — HOLD THE PHONE! — music is soooooooo friggin’ powerful for changing your state. The more you listen to uplifting music, the more often you’ll feel uplifted! Music is so incredible because it gives you energy and puts you in an empowered state where you feel absolutely unlimited.

These are the feelings we want to regularly tap into throughout the day to keep attracting our legendary lives.
Your task is to create a Manifesting Playlist where every song on it immediately puts you into an awesome-feeling state. You know, like the songs that make you want to dance or drop to your knees in gratitude or strike a superhero power-pose! You know the ones!
Happiness Drip #13. My Millionaire Minute
I have a really fun and effective thing called My Millionaire Minute. It’s an alarm on my phone that I use to stop whatever I’m doing, close my eyes, and focus on the thoughts and feelings I’ve associated with becoming my Happy Sexy Millionaire self. It’s so fun and catchy that, when My Millionaire Minute alarm goes off, my whole family does it now, without me ever asking them to!
I’ve set the alarm on my iPhone to go off five times a day, at: 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6 pm. At those times, my phone is programmed to an electronic ambient song called Liquid Flow by Dreaming Cooper. It’s kind of futuristic and instantly resets my brain from whatever I was doing, to being 100% focused on manifestation. After about 20-60 seconds, I stop the music and resume whatever I was doing, except now with a supercharged sense of purpose. It’s amazing.
The alarms are set to repeat every day.
My whole family has anchored this song to uplifted feelings and manifesting our dreams. Every time the alarm goes off we immediately stop what we’re doing (unless driving, etc.), and we are transported in our minds to feeling our future in that very moment. For me, that means I’m instantly feeling my Happy Sexy Millionaire life. I’m experiencing it as if it’s for real, in that moment. I sense shimmeriness and golden light all around me, excited, and confident.
I remember when we were looking at our dream apartment we wanted to rent in Italy (more on that in a future post) and My Millionaire Minute alarm went off. We all looked at each other, had a quick moment of recognition that we were in an apartment I’d manifested, and I quickly turned it off – lol – since the people around us thought my phone was just ringing.
Sometimes, when the alarm goes off, I imagine a gold box being delivered to my front door, decked out with a sparkling pink bow, and filled with a million dollars. It’s not that I necessarily expect it to actually arrive like that (but, fuck, who knows!?), but it’s a picture in my head that symbolizes how easy it is to manifest what I want. The universe delivers. That’s the feeling I seek when manifesting.
You could use My Millionaire Minute for the same reason, millionaire-ness, or you might label it your “healing” minute, or your “self-love” minute, or your “fantastic fitness” minute, etc. Pick something you’re manifesting.
If you seek, say, a life of freedom, then sit down and play a “freedom minute” song repeatedly while you think and feel this delicious freedom feeling — this anchors the song to the intention. Then, later, tap into that anchored mental/emotional state multiple times a day with the the alarm on your phone.
Happiness Drip #14. The Gratitude Game
Gratitude is the tested, tried-and-true way to boost your happiness. Your appreciation of anything in any moment is always a great way to turn a frown upside down. It generates feelings of wholeness and love, and it’s an easy way to change your thoughts to positive in an instant, getting you back on track to attracting your dream life (more on how your thoughts and feelings make your dreams manifest, in a bit).
I can always think about something I’m happy about. For example, in a minor instance, if it’s raining and I have to wait outside in it, I feel gratitude for my umbrella or coat (provided I brought them with me, lol). Or, I simply say, “I have appreciation for rain because it helps the plants and grass to grow.” Making a quick and simple connection of appreciation breaks the chain of negative thoughts and creates a chain of happy thoughts. A key is keeping it simple, because that will resonate and hit your core faster.
Another example: If you find yourself feeling anxious about finances, shift in an instant and think about how grateful you are that your son/daughter/spouse is healthy. Health is a default source of gratitude I tap into regularly because I know that when I’m healthy, everything is good in my world.
This is a big one for me, because everything else could be total shit and I really don’t care, so long as my family is healthy. I know this because, when someone isn’t healthy, I sit there realizing how insignificant everything else in the world is when there isn’t health.
If you do get sick, don’t focus on being sick. Instead, realize that “I am glad I’m not more sick” or “I think I’ll take advantage of this time in bed by watching my favorite shows.” (Pro-tip: comedies and laughter boost health and healing.)
Happiness Drip #15. The Lunch-Time Gratitude Game
One way to get really good at this game is to pick one time during each day where you see how many things you can appreciate. Call it Lunch-Time Gratitude.
Every day at lunch, while you’re eating, you simply look around and see (or think about) how many things you can appreciate. It can be as small as appreciation for the food you’re eating, or for your toothbrush cleaning your teeth, or the chair you’re sitting in while eating lunch. Or the sun shining outside, or your comfortable bed, or your coffee that gives you energy and antioxidants. Or, it can be as big as your home, your family, your job, or your awesome perseverance in taking control of your life and living it by your design.
It’s a game and your goal is to come up with as many things you have appreciation for.
The result of this exercise isn’t only that you’ll have an extra boost of happiness, but you’ll fire and wire appreciation into your brain, and this is how it becomes your default emotional state. This is what creates more greatness in your life.
Happiness Drip #16. Affirmations for All Things Including Coffee
You can imagine that, as I do all of these things, my day is filled with nothing but positivity, and you’d be right! It’s why I’m so madly in love with my life. I feel happy because that’s what this stuff is designed to do and I feel confident that I’m getting every advantage for maximizing my success and health.
The last tip I’ll share, for now, is having affirmations for all things. Remember, everything you say or think is an affirmation whether it’s good or bad, so let’s make them all good. Let’s train our brains to constantly think in terms of happiness and good things and we’ll have more of that in our life.
It’s the law.
This means that, for pretty much everything you do, you should have an affirmation for it. If I’m not saying my Brain Manifesting Mantras, then I’m thinking an affirmation for damn near every action I take.
I’m a go-big-or-go-home kind of person. I’m not wasting time, so I love it all.
For example, when I’m making a cup of coffee, I say to myself, “This coffee is so good for me. I’m so lucky to have it.” This blesses the coffee and makes it even better for my body.
When I’m walking to the mailbox I’m thinking, “I’m so happy I have legs for walking. This is such a blessed day!” (See? Positive thoughts and feelings all day long.)
When I’m waiting for my laptop to boot up, I’m thinking or lip syncing, “My computer is amazing and I’m so happy to have it. It brings me money and joy.” And on and on. In this way, it’s never an annoyance to me that my computer has to boot up. I enjoy the moment, and it reminds me to stay focused on what matters. Even if something truly annoying happens, like my computer crashes, I still take the time to take a breath and think, “Well, I now have another minute or two while my computer gets situated to feel and think my affirmations. Thank you, computer, for giving me this extra time.”
It works. All of this stuff.
All of these tools can be used to hack into your happiness bliss anytime of the day. I’ll be honest, I have even more, but these 16 Happiness Drips are enough to get you started.
I’m trying it all and that’s the journey I’m sharing with you on my blog.
I want to be madly in love with my life and I want success and happiness and health. I want to be a millionaire and things are already shifting in my life toward that goal! My book sales are increasing for example. And just today I had an unexpected affiliate commission come through!
I feel more happiness and sexiness every day, and I know it’s because of all of the attention I put on it.
In the beginning, I didn’t remember to do all these things that I’m listing here. It required making them my habit in order to become my M.O. In fact, in order to do this, I had to remind myself to do these things!
So I had notes in my calendar and on my phone and all around the house reminding myself to: Brain Manifesting Mantra, Baby! or Hey, It’s Self-Love Time! And the more I did it, the easier it got. Now it’s my default. This explains why I am madly in love with life, because just about every waking moment I’m taking the opportunity to increase my energy and uplift my emotions in spite of whatever is going on throughout my busy day.
And if there are days with dips? I jump to one of these Happiness Drips (or 16 of them!) to get me back on my incredible horse.
You can do it, too!
The more you do this, the more aligned you are with your purpose and dream… this makes you stronger and unshakable. I’m here to tell ya, this helps you manifest faster.
All that said, having moments where you just plum don’t think about anything at all is good for us, too. It’s nice to be blissed out and just feeling amazing — no thinking necessary. Part of the reason for these exercises is that they ensure there’s no negativity coming at you because there’s no damn room in your mind to receive it! After a while, your default becomes either one of peace or excitement — both of which make for your epic life.
And that, my friends, is the three-legged stool — the three steps to becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire.
Step one is self-love, which creates worthiness. When you feel worthy, you attract what you want.
Step two is the Law of Attraction meditations, which are used to help you focus and design the exact life you’d like to manifest. The meditations help you change your brain into a manifesting powerhouse. Plus, health benefits.
Step three is the techniques outlined in this blog post, to maintain that amazing elevated state of bliss when you’re not on the couch meditating. This is how you carry it with you throughout the day, everywhere you go.
This might seem like a lot to take in. If so, don’t worry about it — there’s no need to get overwhelmed. Do it in baby steps, if you like.
I recommend that you skim through the Happiness Drips listed above and just pick one or two to start with. Implement them in your life and see how they feel. Most likely, you’ll love them and keep it u. At that point, try adding another drop or two. And so on. I use them all, and it’s how I’m taking control of my life.
See ya next time! And remember to subscribe to my email newsletter to stay connected with me on a more personal level. I love hearing from readers and it’s great swapping stories of how we’re working on our epic lives.
This concludes the “official” Happy Sexy Millionaire (HSM) Series, but most of my blog posts going forward are directly related. And there is an HSM book in the works!
The Happy Sexy Millionaire Series
Post 1: I’ve Decided to Become a Millionaire
Post 2: How I Started My Life Change to Become a Happy Sexy Millionaire
Post 3: Why Write About Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire?
Post 4: Science Behind the Magic of Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire
Post 5: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 1: Loving Yourself
Post 6: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 2: Law of Attraction Meditations
Post 7: Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire – Step 3: Off-the-Couch Daily Living Immersion (You are here now)