Eating healthy is what I do.
It matters to me because, well, I like to feel good. Who doesn’t?
I want to live a looooong time, too. I still have a lot to do in life. I mean, like, have you seen my skills bucket list for bad-ass-ed-ness?
At the risk of being obvious I’ll state that a key to living a long time (and feeling well, too) is eating healthy (and exercising and meditating, but let’s keep this post focused on the food part or we’ll be here all day). One way to accomplish healthy eating is getting fresh organic produce in your diet.
Enter: Green Smoothies… with smart ingredients.
Today, I’m adding an ingredient that you might not have tried in your green smoothie.
I added ginger root essential oil to my green smoothie. A drop (or two) adds powerful anti-inflammatory compounds and a boost of delicious flavor.
I’m no stranger to essential oils. I’ve been in love with essential oils for a long time and my family uses them regularly to upgrade our health in everything from foods to burns to infections to beauty.

Check out these examples of how I’ve used these essential oils:
- Lavender oil to heal my kitchen-appliance-burned skin
- Oil Cleansing (face) for beauty
- Oral care! (I’ve used Living Libations oral care system for 3 years – the whole 8-step program -> read her book <- I bought both the paperback and kindle editions).
- Living Libations’ Coriander Essential Oil in my salad dressings (whether they’re store bought like this or homemade)
- Lemon essential oil on my wild-caught roe
- Turmeric essential oil in my Bulletproof Coffee
- Breast massage oil for extra boob health.
Quality is important. If you want top quality, buy from Nadine of Living Libations. They’re fantastic and better than any other brand I’ve tried. Seriously. See for yourself… buy an essential oil from another brand and compare it to Living Libations. I expect you’ll be blown away.
Back to the green smoothie recipe. Ginger essential oil was not all I put in my green smoothie today. I added some flax power! BAM! You know I’m on a flax kick lately, right? I shared these Lazy Flax Bars with you the other day. I also have berry flax crackers dehydrating in my dehydrator right now. #FlaxOverload
Add some other health boosting fresh organic produce and you have a great breakfast or lunch (or heck, dinner) to satisfy you for hours.
Recipe: Ginger Essential Oil Green Smoothie w Flax Power
- 1.5 cups raw coconut water
- 2 tablespoons flax seed, ground
- 2 drops ginger essential oil
- 1 cucumber, chopped
- 1 stalk celery, chopped
- 1/2 avocado, pitted and peeled (save the other half with a Food Hugger)
- 1 handful alien-looking lettuce (I used escarole)
- Start with freshly ground flax seeds (that’s important to protect the nutrients in the flax seeds). I did this by putting the 2 tablespoons of flax seeds in my dry Vitamix (high speed and awesome) blender. Grind the seeds to a meal.
- Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy.
Side note: This is the book I’m reading right now, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself. I’m only a couple of chapters in, but I’m liking it!
Have a great day!
Update (July 14, 2015): Showing another way I use Living Libations essential oils… I add a drop to my spoon of cod liver oil.

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