Today’s mission, should you choose to accept it, is another easy one that will get you feeling reeeeeaaalllly good.
Recently, when we empowered ourselves and lightened our load by dropping the word “should” from our life. Similarly, today we have another simple and effective micro-task.
Like espresso, remember? Tiny and powerful!

Pick a Word!
You’re going to pick a great word, and associate with it for an entire day.
With the steps below, you’ll fire it multiple times throughout the day and start wiring it into your brain! This will create a juicy little feeling every time it comes up.
These steps keep the word front-and-center in your day — firing and wiring, firing and wiring.
It’s too easy to start the day perfectly and then, two hours later, slip into distraction when you get busy. Follow the steps below for easy ways to remind yourself about greatness.
Step 1: Pick a Word
Choose a word you associate good feelings with, that you like, or that you aspire to become. Such as: happy, loving, creative, smart, success, freedom, patience, grit, equanimity, peace, energy, strength, sparkle, or… pink (hey man, don’t judge, it’s my favorite color and makes me feel good when I think of it).
Step 2: Set Alerts
Next, add it to your phone’s calender with 3 alerts that will go off today, to remind you of your special word.
This simply means, for example, that you open your phone’s calender and add your chosen word for three times in the day (just like an appointment — you have an appointment with your word), like 10am, 2pm, and 7pm. For each of those times, just type in your word and set your calender to alert you when that time occurs.
Step 3: Sticky Notes
Write your word on 5 sticky notes and strategically place them: on your closet door, bathroom mirror, car dashboard, door you come and go from in your house, wallet, etc.
Step 4: Write Sentences
Next, write 5 sentences with your chosen word on a note card, or in your journal, or in the notes app of your phone. Even if you never look at it again, just writing the sentences will help wedge them into your brain a bit.
Here are examples with the word happy:
Being happy is fun.
My cat is happy. (Wait, let’s make it more realistic… my dog is happy.)
Happy is a great word.
Christmas is a happy time.
I love being happy.
Step 5: Make a Game of Using Your Word
As much as you can today, associate yourself with this word. All day long.
See how many times you can drop the word into a sentence when talking with people, whether at work, or with friends, or updating social media. It doesn’t even have to be about you… just drop the word into different sentences where it could be used. Make a game of it.
Step 6: Bedtime Mantra
Tonight, while you’re falling asleep, I want you to mouth this word five times (meaning you move your lips, but there’s no sound). Then just let it float through your mind repeatedly while you fall asleep.
Bravo! You’re All Done!
That’s it! This simple exercise will start shaping your brain with better thoughts and empowered feelings.
It really is these simple things that can make a difference when you’re working the Happy Sexy Millionaire program (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3) to change your life and manifest your dreams.
Extra credit: Fire and wire this amazing-ness more by doing the same thing tomorrow, using a different magic word. And then another, and another. What a great and easy way to connect with powerful words which will improve your life.