As many of you know, my family currently lives in Italy, and they’re having a serious coronavirus outbreak (888 confirmed cases and 21 deaths, as of this writing).
As luck would have it, we left Italy just before the outbreak. We flew to Arizona for our annual family visit at the beginning of February.
We were prepared though, purchased heavy-duty masks to wear in trains, planes, and germy-ass international airports.

Here we are at the airport early February, wearing our masks. We estimated that just under 10% of the people in the airport were wearing masks.
I imagine it’s very different now with many more wearing masks and rubber gloves.
As we’ve been in the USA for almost a month already, the time is winding down for our scheduled return to our home in Italy.
And, as you all know the virus is increasing in Italy.
The question is whether we head back or delay a few weeks (or more). COVID-19 coronavirus isn’t very dangerous for people in our age cohorts. And, thankfully, it hasn’t killed a single child yet, out of 2800 fatalities worldwide.
But the potential disruptions — due to quarantines, hoarding, retail closures, and who-knows-what-else if things go sideways — are enough to make us none to keen to return to Italy just yet, at least until the contagion starts to wane.
Because we’re entrepreneurs (digital nomads, until recently), we’re able to delay our trip if necessary. This is one of those hard-to-quantify benefits of internet-based self-employment.
I’m grateful we have the ability to have freedom with our schedule. Usually, it’s just a nice convenience, and makes me feel like I have multi-millionaire-level freedom. Or as they say, “fuck you money.” But if the shit ever hits the fan, it’s nice to know we can get the hell outta Dodge, if necessary.
Of course, America isn’t immune from Coronavirus. And the time may come fairly soon when Italy seems like a safer place to be.
We’re keeping out options open.
For now, here’s how we’re doing our best to stay healthy in the U.S.
My Focus: Vitamin C, Proper Hygiene, and Sleep

While I’m in America, I’ve loaded up on vitamin C. I’m a huge fan of high-dose vitamin C to fight bacteria and viruses. Liposonal vitamin C is reputed as the best form for maximum absorption (this vitamin C) and it’s my favorite.
I also ordered my favorite herbals shots from Dr. Schulze’s (they’re so potent they make your hand stand on end).
Sleep is one of our best allies to a robust strong immune system, too, and I’m ensuring we get our zzzzzzz’s.
You probably just whizzed past that last paragraph with a subconscious nod of “sleep is good” approval, but did you really stop and take a moment to commit to getting EIGHT f*cking hours, every single night? If yes, bravissimo! If not… well?
Anyway, I make it a priority to get eight hours every night.
Of course, we’re also practicing excellent hygiene by handwashing and not licking the equipment in the gym. ;)
Seriously though, we’ve been using the alcohol wipes provided by the gym on pretty much every piece of equipment we touch with our hands. And then wash our hands after.
We might even take a few weeks off from the gym completely, given that it’s the only place we frequent with lots of other people. Daily. And this coronavirus is believed to have up to a 14-27 day asymptomatic, contagious incubation period. Meaning some of the people you see around you might already have it without knowing it. That means that an outbreak in our area could be happening, and nobody would know it yet. (Especially due to the lack of testing that’s currently happening in the U.S., due to a shortage of test kits.)
In fact, I saw a few people at the grocery store wearing masks here in Sun City West, AZ. Good for them, as the elderly want to take extra smart precautions.
Happiness, Gratitude, and a Good Attitude for the Win
Most importantly, I have a strong attitude about health and I don’t let fear take the driver’s seat. We’re simply being smart with precautions, but not letting it create angst in our bellies.
As I read updates in the news, it’s all about fear and that doesn’t help anyone.
We can be smart and not let fear rule at the same time. Keeping a mantra of “I have a strong body and a powerful immune system” is perfect in times like these.
I will not be afraid, she vowed, wrapping the familiar words around her heart.
Throne of Glass (an awesome book I’m reading with my daughter)
I also take extra time for gratitude every day, because gratitude has been shown to increase our immune systems.
When we eventually do head back to Italy, our suitcases will be loaded with vitamins and supplements, beauty products, books, and our favorite snack bars that are not easy to get in Italy.
We are all healthy and grateful for that, and we’re sending out our energetic prayers for everybody else in the world.