Watermelon – Be Still My Heart!
Anyone who knows me, knows that my all time favorite Raw food is, quite simply, organic watermelon. The gorgeously pink, sweet, refreshing flesh calls my name every summer and I just can’t ever seem to get enough. Each year, as the watermelon season ends, I want to shed a tear because I’m already eagerly anticipating the new season, when watermelon will again usher more sunshine to my life. I love watermelon.
I’ll also do a little cardio on the treadmill.
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Chunky Love and Physical Excellence
My smoothie today – Chunky Love. I smished (yep, that’s a technical term – haha) so much stuff into my BlendTec that it’s no wonder it didn’t all get blended in the first cycle. As I was pouring it into my quart glass mason jar, a chunk of it kind of sploshed (another one of those technical terms) onto the counter and all I could think was….Chunky Love. And, indeed it is delicious!!!
1 cup Water
2 stalks celery
1/2 bunch parsley
2 oranges, peeled
1 lime, peeled
1 apple, cored
1 tablespoon Vitamineral Green Powder
1 tablespoon whole, fresh rosemary
4 leaves red kale (smallish in size), destemmed
Physical Excellence
It’s been a while since I reported on any physical activity (except for the snowboarding) so I’m overdue. I went to the gym two days ago and knocked out some chest exercises. Today, I’m going to work on back and biceps. Then, I’m taking my dog for a long walk. (The weather is simply way too gorgeous to be indoors today!)
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Check out today’s feature on Yahoo: 4 Healthy Superfoods and why you should add more of them to your diet…Raw, of course, or you risk destroying the very nutrients you’re trying to get! Here are some easy ways to get more folate (lowers homocysteine levels), sulforaphane (cancer fighter), lycopene (not from tomatoes!), and lutein and zeaxanthin (retina protection).
Today’s food intake:
Upon waking: warm water with fresh squeezed lemon and lime juice
Breakfast: 3 large bananas
Snack: 1/4 cup soaked pumpkin seeds (getting more zinc in my diet)
Lunch: 2 cups Lemon Mint Zucchini Bisque with 1 cup chopped beets
Snack: small Green Smoothie (water, swiss chard, banana)
Dinner: 1 cup Lemon Mint Zucchini Bisque, large Perfect Salad
As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance.
There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death.
For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless.
~Rodney Yee
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Farmer’s Market Question, Monday’s Food & Exercise
It’s a lovely day, and I am so happy. I LOVE BEING RAW VEGAN!
Farmer’s Market:
Here’s the thing…I recognize the importance of eating locally (for my health and the environment). But, here’s my question: How do I really know if my local “un-certified” farmers are organic just because they say so? The last time I went to the farmer’s market I was discouraged because no one was certified organic, although they tried to assure me that they follow organic farming practices. They blamed the cost of certification as the reason for not having the label. I was bummed because I wanted to buy local and organic. I left with my canvas bags empty and opted for Whole Foods Market. I later asked a small grower in California and he stated that it’s not that expensive to get certified. Hhmmm. I would love nothing more than to buy the most locally grown produce, but I’m a stickler for organic. I know they “say” they are….but how do I truly know (apart from visiting the farm)?
Today’s food:
Breakfast: watermelon (I love watermelon!)
Snack: Dr. Oz “Fresh” Green Smoothie with 3 figs added (large)
Lunch: Big salad of celery, carrots, red bell pepper, cucumbers, and olives topped with Tahini Gingered Carrot Dressing
Snack: Spinach-Banana smoothie (large)
Dinner: Same as lunch
Back and Bicep weight training
Long-ass walk tonight under the stars (6-miles) for my “double” workout