Here’s how I made Golden Egg Salad the other night.
I started by pressure cooking organic broccoli in my beloved Instant Pot, which effortlessly takes only a handful of minutes.
Instead, I love and always use Straus whole-fat Greek yogurt which is a kiss from heaven. It’s thick, rich, and tastes like cream cheese(?) to me. I use it in place of all things mayo and my gut thanks me as a result (boost of gut-health probiotic love). I can’t speak for other Greek yogurts though, as far as heavenly taste.
To the bowl, I add:
- Squirt of mustard
- Squeeze of lemon juice or dash of apple cider vinegar
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Veggie powders (of course)
- Turmeric (of course) That’s why it’s “golden”
- A hefty drizzle of good olive oil
I stir it all and look for more stuff to add texture and pizzazz to my egg salad.
Oh. Whoops. I should mention that I already had my hard-cooked eggs made in my Instant Pot earlier today. Reason alone to buy an Instant Pot to make the perfect-every-time hard-boiled eggs.
Ok so I found some red bell pepper and chopped it.
I added sauerkraut and chopped bread-n-butter pickles (my favorite in egg salad).
Stirred it up and tasted.
Almost perfect.
Diced up an apple and added it.
Now, it’s perfect.