We decided to hop in the car and take a little day trip to the Mogollon Rim in Arizona (See? It is green in Arizona) and just hang out with nature. There were three of us…..boyfriend, dog, and me… supplied with water, Raw chocolate brownies, green smoothies, bananas and doggie cookies. Yes, an unusual mix for our day’s food I suppose, but we decided this trip last minute and took what was on hand. The day promised big fun and happiness as we drove, my dog’s head hanging out of the window loving every minute of “bye-bye car.”
My Workout Today
Food is important to a healthy lifestyle…but so is physical fitness. You will get much more out of Raw when you add physical fitness to your lifestyle. These together strengthen your body from the inside out.
Two days ago, I went to the gym and that damn jump rope kicked my ass. It was really tough! But, yesterday, I kicked it’s ass and owned it! My heart was pounding, pulse racing, body sweating, and it felt GREAT!
For a really super workout, I have to listen to music ranging from “this gets me moving and pumps me up” to tunes that make me wanna say “gggrrrr“… so I have all kinds on my mp3 from Linkin Park to Trick Daddy to Seal to Madonna to Rhianna and more. Sometimes I just start doing a little dance right there in the gym….okay, not usually in front of people – ha ha…but I just love music and can’t help myself sometimes!
~Yesterday’s workout
Weights: Chest; 5 straight sets for each exercise
*Flat dumbell press, Incline dumbell press, Decline dumbell press
Cardio: Jump rope before weight training, between many of the weight lifting sets, and after lifting.
~Today’s Workout
Weights: Back; 3 straight sets for each exercise
*Chins, Seated cable row, Reverse bent over flies, Wide grip pull downs
Cardio: Jump rope and get on the treadmill for a short journey while I read VegNews magazine.
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Orange Blossom Chocolate Mousse
Think: Delicious, Floral, Chocolatey, Creamy. One of my creations, this recipe is simple (less than 10 minutes to make!) with only a handful of ingredients. Enjoy!
Orange Blossom Chocolate Mousse
Yield 1 1/4 cup
2 tablespoons water
Blend all of the ingredients in your blender until creamy. It’s wonderful to eat right away or chilled in the refrigerator or you can freeze it in an ice cube tray for Frozen Orange Blossom Chocolate Bites!
*You can easily find this at most Middle Eastern Markets and some Whole Foods Markets, or purchase it online here: Dayna’s Market (while you’re there, pick up a bottle of rose water, which I use in some of my Easy Raw Food Recipe ebooks). The orange blossom water provides the unique floral and orange essence to this recipe. You can, of course, replace it with plain water, but it will be plain chocolate mousse (delicious still, but certainly not the same).
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The Food Saver…Saved Me Time, Food, Money
I love my Food Saver! Here is one the best tips ever for Raw food. Get a Food Saver® and make your life a million times easier with Raw food prep. This is more than just a “food” saver, it is practically a “life” saver, a “time” saver, a “money” saver. I love my Food Saver because it adds a longer shelf life to Raw food. For example, when I make a soup that would normally last a few days, I use my Food Saver and I now have a shelf life that is longer…up to a week (they say it’ll last longer than that, I just always end up eating the food before I can see how long it could actually last). I use my Food Saver for salad dressings, soups, desserts, fresh juices, smoothies, sauces and so much more. Now, I can make a large batch of green juice with my Green Star Juicer and have it to drink for a few days, which saves me time.
The easiest and healthiest way to store these foods is with glass mason jars, so you’ll need the mason jar attachment from Food Saver. You can find this online at FoodSaver.com. The Food Saver is also great for things like pesto, burgers, breads and crackers. I use the Food Saver bags for these things and then freeze the items. I save money because food doesn’t go to waste now that it can last longer. I can’t say enough about how fantastic this tool is in your kitchen. With the Food Saver, you can make extra batches of things and “Food Saver” them so they last longer, meaning you can spend less time in the kitchen.
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Kristen Suzanne’s Harvest Soup
I just created a most delicious soup! I named it Kristen Suzanne’s Harvest Soup because the colors and flavors subtly remind me of a fall harvest. It’s an easy and delicious raw vegan food recipe that the whole family will love (just like all the recipes in my raw food recipe ebooks). With raw being this easy and delicious, who needs cooked food?
Kristen Suzanne’s Harvest Soup
- 1 cup water
- 1 large zucchini, chopped
- 2 medium tomatoes, quartered
- 3 stalks celery, chopped
- 2 cups carrot, chopped
- 2 dates, pitted
- 1 clove garlic
- 1-2 teaspoons Himalayan crystal salt
- 1 tablespoon onion powder
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/2 cup raw flax oil or raw olive oil (or mix them both)