I’m happy today, and I have been for the past couple weeks. Beyond happy, actually, I feel bliss and joy.
How can I feel joy in the middle of a pandemic?
I feel happy because I’ve trained myself.
When life has challenges — whether financial, heartbreak, illness, or pandemic — the typical human response is to experience a flood of survival emotions. These include anxiety, panic, sadness, and anger, to name a few.
Despite the current state of things, I’m not experiencing these survival emotions. Which is not to say that I don’t take the situation seriously… I do.
But I’ve done the work and trained myself to maintain my shimmer and shine even during challenges. I’ve accomplished this with specific daily meditations, intense gratitude, and constantly focusing on all the good all around me.
As a result, in the middle of what’s going on today with the COVID-19 coronavirus, I’m able to unleash my bliss.
Thank You, Dr. Joe Dispenza
I learned how to do this from Dr. Joe Dispenza. I devoured his incredible books (like these three: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and You Are the Placebo and Becoming Supernatural) and I started doing his daily meditations over a year ago (this meditation and this amazing one, too).
I forever changed my life doing this, because it helped me rewire my brain to keep my eye on the shiny prize, no matter what’s happening around me.
His fundamental message is to maintain your uplifted, elevated emotions despite the conditions in your life. Despite financial problems, despite coronavirus, despite anything, etc.
Why is this so important?
Because you live your best life, attract your delicious dreams, manifest your exciting desires… when you remain in an uplifted state.
You absolutely don’t attract health from a state of stress or anxiety. You don’t attract abundance from a state of feeling emptiness or lack. You don’t manifest creativity from feeling fear.
And so for the past year, when my life had bumps — and everybody’s life has bumps — I learned how to maintain my state of bliss in spite of the conditions. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but over time, I rewired my brain to a default state of bliss no matter what is going on in my life. Now, it’s easy.
That includes the current pandemic from Coronavirus.
By using the tools of self-talk, self-love, and meditations from Dr. Joe, I am able to focus on the meaning I’ve designed for my life.
This is nothing new, my friends.
Look at Viktor Frankl. He survived the horrors of Nazi concentration camps because of his mindset. He focused his attitude on the beautiful future he saw before him and his meaning in life.
In his classic book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
Unfortunately, we’re not trained to experience elevated emotions in difficult times.
I do not take the challenges of sickness, death, or other people’s grief lightly. Yet there are moments these days where I’m bouncing around my house feeling bliss.
When I initially reflected on this, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. Was my happiness a sign of disrespect to the sick, or a lack of empathy for the families who have lost people to this virus?
Is joyfulness… inappropriate?
But I don’t feel good succumbing to crap circumstances. I prefer to shimmer and shine every time. It sets an example for those around me, especially my daughter. An example to not let fear take control.
And best of all, happiness boosts your immune system!
So that’s what I’m doing.
If you want to feel better, you must choose to think better.
You must change your focus to the bright future ahead and all of its possibilities. What is everything you want in your life? What would it feel like to feel unlimited? How would it feel to have it all? Empowered? Love? Gratefulness? Pick your thoughts strategically, and then think them as much as possible.
That does not mean you don’t ever feel grief or anxiety. I am not suggesting that nobody should feel these things or that I don’t sometimes feel them. To be clear, I do. But I don’t experience them for very long. I don’t wallow in them.
Instead, I let them pass through me, usually quickly, and then I find a beautiful place of happiness. I get massively excited about my future, the one I’m creating.
Because I know that it’s with happiness that I will be my best self. Especially during hardship.
I don’t help myself or anyone else if I’m crippled by anxiety or fear.
I process these emotions by inspecting them. By asking, are these feelings helping me or my family? Survival emotions are not typically helpful. If they are partly helpful by modifying my behavior — such as taking smart precautions against getting sick — then I keep the behavior, but ditch the fear.
You can still be careful without fear. It’s just called “being smart.”
The Skill of Happiness
I do not let fears drive my car. My default is happy, love — no matter what. This is neither natural, nor artificial — it’s a learned skill. I’m now at the point where I’m a bit giddy no matter what is happening to me, and many people don’t understand me as a result. That’s OK. :)
It’s all because of my training.
The work worked, Dr. Joe, so thank you!
You can do this, too.
Imagine how you could live your life with happiness, not only as your default, but your response even when the shit hits the fan! Imagine making fear your servant, rather than your master.
(If you’re new to this blog, start here for the whole cool story.)
Some Coronavirus “Material” Basics
For this pandemic, I am also taking basic “material” measures, of course, in addition to my rockstar attitude.
You see, we normally live in Italy, but we happened to be in Arizona when the virus started rapidly spreading. (We’re staying put in Arizona for now.)
But due to our connections to Italy, we saw the writing on the wall. We knew it was just a matter of time before it hit here in the U.S. So we began social isolation about a week before most Americans.

We wash our hands frequently (remember: 20 seconds of washing with soap and warm water).
We wipe things down with Clorox wipes.
We get plenty of good sleep!
We meditate!
We take LOTS of vitamin C (10,000 mg to 20,000 mg per day in 1000 mg divided doses — read more here about high-dose Vitamin C & Coronavirus including their links at the bottom of their article). UPDATE! Well, fuck me… As usual, information is conflicting. As of March 17 I read from Chris Masterjohn, PhD, a man I greatly respect when it comes to nutritional advice — his latest report that I purchased regarding nutrition and coronavirus advises AGAINST high-dose vitamin C because he claimes it’s not known whether it could help or harm based on the vitamin C/Interferon relationship.)
My Greatest Asset!
However, my smartest tool is not a pill or a disinfectant… it’s a powerful mindset. Special, immune-boosting self-talk, all day long, plus my bliss-as-fuck, happy and grateful attitude. These boost my immune system better than anything else.
Always keeping my eye on the prize — my amazing future where my dreams continue to come true. THAT feels good to think about and I flood my body with healthy, protective immune-boosting chemicals with every yummy-love thought.
This isn’t just New Age psychobabble. It’s backed by hard science (see psychoneuroimmunology here).
So here I am… happy… in spite of a friggin’ global pandemic. I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Joe Dispenza for teaching me how to be this way. It feels amazing.