Hello & Ciao, my friends.
I thought I would write a quick update on what’s going on in my life.
Writing Novels!
As you know I attempted my first novel in April and I finished it. I also started a second novel and finished it. And I am now starting my third.
I have found a true passion. As I mentioned before, in this piece, I never thought I could be a fiction writer. But I completely change my mindset and filled my head with the right affirmations and self-talk, and here I am banging out novels.
And, I absolutely love it. There isn’t anything I’d rather be doing. And I don’t just mean for work. Every chance I get, I want to sit at my computer and write, or walk and dictate. That’s what I’m doing with pretty much all of my time the past couple months. :)
I think my first romance novel will be available in the next couple days! My novels will be written under a pseudo name, and the cover for the first book will be ready to show you, maybe later today! Stay tuned.
ALSO! When I release my books, I will make them free for five days in the Kindle store so that all of my readers can get them.
Happy Sexy Millionaire Formula
Of course I still follow my Happy Sexy Millionaire formula! There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t do my Morning Mirror Magic or my Manifesting Meditations! Those are the first things I do every morning BEFORE I sit down to write.
They give me confidence, calm, and inspiration. Plus it makes me happy!
What about getting backed Italy?
Before we came back to America for a visit in February, we signed a long-term lease on an apartment in one of our favorite spots in Italy.
As you know, we have been staying in Arizona until travel becomes safe and we can get back to Italy. As of now, although we’re still watching it on a weekly basis, there is a good chance we can return in June. Italy lifted its lockdown last week. My goal is to wait and see how those first couple weeks in June go and if all goes well, we will go back to our home there.
Stay healthy and happy!