Defuse stress in an instant.
One trick for dealing with a stressful situation is to ask the simple question: “Is this useful?” (or in my world, “Is this f*cking useful?”)
If I break something … or if something doesn’t go my way, let’s say there’s a long line in the airport or maybe I might miss my flight… that would be stressful right?
Sure, for many people. But I have a default question I ask which calms my ass down in an instant — “Is this useful?”
Is it useful for my health to worry about XYZ?
Is it useful for me to get my undies in a bunch about XYZ?
Is it useful for my brain to stress about XYZ?
Is this useful?
So there! Try it. You pissed about something? Stressed about something? Just ask yourself how stressing about it is helping. “Is this useful???”
Let’s dive a bit deeper. If this question doesn’t resonate with you, I have another awesome question to share… Another question to ask in shitty situations is… “Will this matter in six months?”
Chew on that bad boy.
Imagine all those earlier scenarios I presented. Let’s take the airplane one… Let’s say you might miss your trans-atlantic flight, and you’re running like a bat outta hell to the gate. You’re freaking out, right?
And, let’s say you get to the gate, heart pumping, and you just missed the boarding! Aghhh!!! No fucking way!!!!! Right?
What if you ask yourself in this seemingly awful situation, “Will this moment matter in six months?”
So why should it wreck you now?
Think about it.
These two questions… they work with so many stressful situations. Someone piss you off? Ask one of the questions. Did you break something? Ask one of the questions.
That’s all for today! Stay safe and healthy. :)